User:Shulin Ye
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Contact Info
- Shulin Ye
- MIT (student)
- Cambridge, MA, USA
- Email me through OpenWetWare
I learned about OpenWetWare from 20.109, and I've joined because 20.109 requirement :D.
Registration/Questionnaire: 20.109 Fall 2012
Last Name
First Name
Preferred name
Course 20
Year of Graduation
Telephone #
shulinye AT mit DOT edu (sye AT mit DOT edu)
Have you taken or are you taking...
- 20.320 (Cell Kinetics) - will take
- 7.05/5.07 (Biochemistry) - currently taking
- 7.06 (Cell Biology) - will take
- 5.310 (General Chemistry Lab)
Do you have any experience culturing cells (mammalian, yeast or microbial)?
Very limited (cough USABO cough)
Do you have any experience in molecular biology (electrophoresis, PCR, etc)?
Very limited (also cough USABO cough)
Please briefly describe any previous laboratory experience
2012 IAP - worked in a fruit fly lab USABO training, twice (also a year in a chemistry lab in high school, but that doesn't count)
Please briefly describe any previous technical communication experience you have
Written Communication:
- Siemens paper
Oral Communication:
- I've taken a speech class in high school
Anything else you would like us to know?
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