User:Ronald Y. Kwon
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Contact Information
- Ronald Y. Kwon, Ph.D.
- Acting Assistant Professor
- Orthopaedic Science Laboratories
- University of Washington
- Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
- 300 Ninth Ave. Box 359798
- Seattle, WA, 98104
- (206) 897-5608
- Email me through OpenWetWare
Curriculum Vitae
- Please click here to download my Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
In recent years, mechanical signals have become widely recognized as being critical to the proper functioning of numerous biological processes. This has led to the emergence of a new discipline, cellular mechanobiology, which bridges cell biology with various disciplines of mechanics (including solid, fluid, statistical, computational, and experimental mechanics) and which seeks to uncover the principles by which the sensation or generation of mechanical force alters cell function. My research interests are in enabling new musculoskeletal therapeutics through the use of mechanobiological processes. Currently, my specific research interests are in integrating mechanics, experimental biology, computation, and imaging in new ways to discover new mechanobiological principles using systems-level approaches.
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 09/05-09/08
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 09/03-09/05
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of California Berkeley, 08/97-05/02
- NIH National Research Service Award Postdoctoral Fellowship, 12/08-12/10
- National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 09/03-09/06
- American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Young Investigator Award, 10/10
- Young Investigator Award, International Bone Fluid Flow Workshop, 10/10
- Best PhD Student Presentation, Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine 25th Annual Scientific Conference, 01/07
- Best PhD Student Presentation, Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine 23rd Annual Scientific Conference, 01/05
- Pfizer Inc. Endowed Scholarship to attend Zebrafish Genetics and Development Course, Marine Biological Laboratory, 08/10
- 2nd Place, PhD Student Paper Competition, 2008 ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, 06/08
- Plenary Poster Presentation, 31st Annual American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Meeting, 09/09
Funded Projects
- “Osteocyte-independent mechanotransduction of interstitial fluid flow in bone”, National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD), F32 AR056934 (PI, Total Costs: $92,428), 12/08-12/10
- Please see my Curriculum Vitae for a complete list of my peer reviewed manuscripts, conference abstracts, books, and book chapters.
- Co-Instructor (33%), Stanford University, Mechanics of the Cell, 09/07-12/07
- Teaching Assistant, Stanford University, Mechanics of the Cell, 03/05-06/05
- Teaching Assistant, Stanford University, Orthopaedic Bioengineering, 09/04-12/04
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