User:Patrick Hampson/Notebook/chem471/2017/03/28

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  • Arg pH4: clear

Arg pH7: clear

Arg pH 10: very clear with a hint of purple very rarely (due to it sticking to the glass)

Arg pH 12: clear

Arg pH 14: very clear with a hint of purple very rarely (due to it sticking to the glass)

His pH4: very light (slightly yelloe) peach coloration

His pH7: more of a reddish tinge in the peach coloration

His pH 10: somewhat dark but very very light with black ppt on the bottom of the test tube

His pH 12: Very purple

His pH 14: more darkened than the pH 10 solution but still somewhat light. Black ppt on the bottom.

Gln pH 4:clear

Gln pH7:clear

Gln pH 10:very clear with a hint of purple very rarely (due to it sticking to the glass)

Gln pH 12:clear

Gln pH 14:very clear with a hint of purple very rarely (due to it sticking to the glass)