User:Patrick A. Alayon

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20-Biological Engineering

Graduation Year


Phone #


palayon AT mit DOT edu

Have you taken

7.05/5.07 (Biochemistry)
Taking this term
7.06 (Cell Biology)
7.02 (General Biology Lab)
5.310 (General Chemistry Lab)

Do you have any experience culturing cells (mammalian, yeast or microbial)?

Do you have any experience in molecular biology (electrophoresis, PCR, etc)?

Previous Lab Experience

High School Advanced Chemistry Lab experience

Genome Engineering Ideas

M13 Genome Engineering Ideas Ease of Modification in terms of overlap (1-4, 4 being hardest) Ease of Modification relative to protein importance (1-4, 4 being hardest) GFP Attachment
G1 3, 22 bp are shared with genes 4,11 2, pore gene OK Target because pore will light up
G2 3, about 330 bp overlap with gene 11 4, DNA cutting gene
G3 1, no overlap with any genes 3, Entry gene Good Target because we will see entry point of phage into cell
G4 3, 22 bp overlap with genes 1 and 11 2, pore gene OK Target because pore will light up
G5 1, No overlap 4, protects ssDNA Good Target because we will see all phage DNA it surrounds
G6 1, No overlap 1, Less important tail protein OK Target because phage will light up inside cell, but few porteins to attach GFP to (5)
G7 2, 4 bp overlap with gene 9 2, Minor Head protein, starts secretion OK Target because phage will light up inside cell, but few porteins to attach GFP to (5)
G8 2, 4 bp overlap with gene 9 3, Covers outside of phage Good target because if successful, phage will light up outside cell.
G9 2, 4 bp overlap with genes 7,8 2, Minor Head protein, starts secretion OK Target because phage will light up inside cell, but few porteins to attach GFP to (5)
G10 4, full overlap with gene 2 4, DNA Replication OK Target if we want to see replication process
G11 4, full overlap with gene 1, partial overlap with gene 4 2, pore gene OK Target because pore will light up

Research Proposal Link

Arjun and Patrick's Research Proposal