User:Patricio Velez

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Registration/Questionnaire: 20.109 Spring 2010

Last Name


First Name


Preferred name (if not first)



Major: Course 20 (Biological Engineering); Potential Minor: 5(Chemistry)

Year of Graduation


Telephone #



Potentially Relevant Background

Have you taken/are you taking... Answer yes/no/when
7.05/5.07 (Biochemistry) Yes; Spring 2010
7.06 (Cell Biology) No
7.03 (Genetics) No
7.02 (General Biology Lab) No
5.310 (General Chemistry Lab) No

Do you have experience with... Answer yes/no/type
Cell culture (microbial/mammalian/yeast?) No
Molecular biology (electrophoresis, PCR, etc) Yes : Minimal

Please briefly describe any previous laboratory experience


Anything else you would like us to know?

I look forward to skills and habits required to work in a lab so I can apply them to my future endeavors.

Commitment to academic integrity

After you print out this page, please sign your name next to the following statement to indicate your agreement:

I have read and understood the 20.109 statement on collaboration and integrity.

Patricio J. Velez