User:Noy Kaufman/Notebook/EBC I AuNP/2017/08/30

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'''1. NP formation'''

- for the 1:160 ratio, the color o the solution changed to purple -for 1:80 solution collide fibers were formed and visible as thick dark purple filaments in the purple solution - results were as expected

'''2.Amino acids solutions'''

- 3 amino acids were chosen: phenylalanine, arginine, and isoleucine. -100ml stock solutions of 250µM were prepared in volumetric flasks using MW of each amino acid and calculation procedure like 8/29 - 3 AuN:amino acid solutions of ratios20:1, 80:1, and 160:1 were prepared for each stock solution (total of 9) by same procedure of 8/29. For the 20:1 ratio,1ml Au was added to 0.5ml of amino acid and 8.5ml of H20

'''3. pH measurements''' - pH of amino acid stock solutions as well as prepared NP solutions were tested (table 3)

Table 3: pH results for different amino acids solutions

before and after values refer to oven placement. After values will be updated after incubation time is over.

- solutions were placed in the oven at 80C for 4h.

'''4. Next steps''' - measure pH after oven - test UV of amino acid stock solutions