User:Nicole M. Raab
Contact Info
- Nicole M. Raab
- The Ohio State University
- Riffe Building, Room 947
- 496 W 12th Ave
- Columbus, OH 43210
- Email me:
- Call me: (847) 370-3899
I am a laboratory assistant for the Rich Lab at The Ohio State University. Our lab joins the Sullivan lab to form the MAVERIC (Microbial and Viral Ecology Research In Columbus) team! This is the Rich Lab Wiki Page and the Sullivan Lab OSU webpage.
- 2015, BS in Microbiology with a minor in Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University
Background and Research interests
I joined the Rich Lab as an undergraduate in August 2015 and became a full-time lab assistant upon my graduation in December 2015. My previous undergraduate research includes involvement in Dr. Thomas Santangelo and Dr. John Reeve's Thermococcus kodakarensis genome and gene knockout project and in Dr. Terry Niblack's soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) laboratory.
In the Rich Lab, I assist with general lab logistics including purchasing/ordering, shipping, scheduling, inventory, equipment operation and maintenance, tech support, and general organizational needs. I additionally assist with DNA/RNA extractions, perform data assessment and literature research related to community -omics, and assist with field sampling in Abisko, Sweden. I additionally created and maintain the IsoGenie project webpage
My research interests include:
- Microbial ecology related to climate change
- Subsurface microbial ecology
- Plant-microbe and fungi-microbe interactions
- Use of microbes in industrial processing and food production
Through the Lens
Some snapshots from both bench and field work.
Professional Affiliations and Memberships
- American Phytopathological Society (APS)
- American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- Students for the Advancement of Microbiology (SAM) at OSU