User:Michael F. Nagle/Notebook/Chem 571/2012/11/28

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  • Analyze post-dialysis 25-200 [Au/ADA] solutions with UV/Vis
  • Prepare new solutions at narrower mole ratio range that includes optimal range for dissolution of AuNPs.


  • Au/ADA solutions prepared yesterday were analyzed via UV/Vis.
  • A new set of solutions was prepared at mole ratios 6.7, 10, 13.3, 16.7, 20, 23.3, 26.7, 30, 33.3, 36.7 and 40 [Au/ADA] and heated at 85oC overnight.
  • Puja Mody and Mary Mendoza resuspended Au/ADA fibers with varying concentrations of pH 9.99 tris buffer.



  • The 25 [Au/ADA] solution was purple, indicating AuNPs in solution, so we were suprised not to see a peak at 528nm. It may be due to experimental error or may have something to do with the fact a Shimadzu UV-1800 was used instead of a UV-2550 like usual.
  • The other group saw peaks at the start of their range, which went from 60-160.
  • Since the other group saw small peaks at the lower end of their range, with the highest at 60 [Au/ADA], and we saw purple solution at 25 [Au/ADA], we decided to make a new set with mole ratios 6.7-40.