User:Melvin Colorado Escobar/Notebook/chem 471/2015/12/02

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Run our samples using ICP, measure conductivity for each concentration and Collect Uv-vs data for the different concetraions.


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For ICP measurements we took 5 mL of our samples and gave them to Dr. Hartings to run. we are using ICP measurements to see how much gold is in our solutions after an overnight time trial at each given concentration.

We used a conductivity prob to measure the conductivity of our samples. we suing 15 mL of each sample to get a reliable reading of each sample.


This is the table of our ICP results. Although most of our solutions were clear there were visibly fewer fibers. All of the 1uM, 100nM, 10nM 1nM had visibly fewer fibers but the solutions were not purple.

Samples Run number mg/mL
Supernatants 133 0.06
“no Thermolysin” 134 0.06
135 0.06
136 0.06
Blanks at Room Temperature 137 0.01
138 0.01
139 0.01
1 nM Thermolysin 140 0.03
141 0.02
142 0.02
10 nM Thermolysin 143 0.03
144 0.11
145 0.03
100 nM Thermolysin 146 0.04
147 0.04
148 0.05
1 uM Thermolysin 149 0.1
150 0.05
151 0.06

Conductivity results

We see our 1uM concentration to be the most conductive.

[Thermolysin] Sample Number Conductivity (µs/cm) Average (µs/cm)
1 µM 1 2737 2236
2 2001
3 1970
100 nM 1 1922 1912
2 1898
3 1917
10 nM 1 1882 1249
2 4.47*
3 1861
1 nM 1 7.56 7.47
2 7.55
3 7.3
Supernatants 1 323 331
(0 Thermolysin) 2 335
3 329
4 335
Blanks at Room Temperature 1 4.11* 6.58
2 7.89
3 7.73


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