User:Marcus McHale
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Marcus McHale
Contact Info
Waterhouse Laboratory (PhD)
- Transgene susceptibility to silencing in plants
Behaviour and Genetics of Social Insects Laboratory
Research Assistant/Lab Manager
- Investigating the expression of genes related to ovary activation in honey bees (Apis mellifera) using real-time PCR
- Assisting students with their projects
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, Queensland
Molecular Fisheries Laboratory
Dugong (Research assistant)
- Gender assignment (sexing) of dugong tissue biopsies
- Amplification of molecular markers from faeces (only succeeded in detecting mitochondrial sequences)
- Population genetics of dugong in and around Moreton Bay (Brisbane, Australia), I found evidence in mitochondrial DNA sequences of migrant populations from Harvey bay consistent with a cyclone event and mass extinction observed there.
Spanish mackerel (Research technician)
- Genetic mark-recapture of Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) and dugong (Dugong dugon) NT DPI GenetagDPI Dugong
Emerging Technologies (Honours and Undergraduate volunteer work)
- Thesis: Durable RNA Silencing Mediated Transgenic Virus Resistance in Plants
- 2009 - Current PhD Candidate, School of Biological Sciences University of Sydney]
- 2005 - Honours (class I) from the School of Molecular and Microbial Sciences at the University of Queensland
- 2004 - Bachelor of Science (Botany and Genetics) from the University of Queensland
- A PCR assay for gender assignment in dugong (Dugong dugon) and West-Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus). M. MCHALE, D. BRODERICK, J . R. OVENDEN and J . M. LANYON
- A scientific note on a rapid method for the molecular discrimination of Apis andreniformis and A. florea. Jessica S. Higgs, Marcus McHale and Benjamin P. Oldroyd. Apidologie 41 (2010) 96–98
- Expression of genes related to reproduction and pollen foraging in honey bees (Apis mellifera) narcotized with carbon dioxide. R. M. Brito, M. McHale and B. P. Oldroyd. Insect Molecular Biology (2010) 19(4), 451–461
- GENtle, open source software for cloning - I wish it got more attention
- MIQE Guidelines an effort to standardise reporting of quantitative PCR experiments.
- Staden Package Powerful tool for sequence allignment and quality checking traces.
- Primer-UniGene Selectivity Testing Useful for PCR development in genome sequenced species.
- The Arabidopsis Information Resource
- UCSC genome browser and other resources