User:Lorenzo Pasotti
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Contact Info
- Lorenzo Pasotti
- University of Pavia
- via Ferrata 5, Pavia I-27100, Italy
- lorenzo dot pasotti at unipv dot it
I work on synthetic biology in the Laboratory Bioinformatics, Mathematical Modelling and Synthetic Biology (BMS) and in the molecular biology lab of the Centre for Health Technologies (see Magni lab on OWW), University of Pavia.
Education and current position
- 2015-, Assistant Professor, University of Pavia
- 2012-2015, Postdoc researcher, University of Pavia
- Feb-Sep 2011, visiting PhD student, School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
- 2008-2012, PhD, Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, University of Pavia
- 2006-2008, MS, Biomedical Informatics, University of Pavia
- 2003-2006, BS, Biomedical Engineering, University of Pavia
Research interests
- Predictability of biological parts and synthetic circuits
- Metabolic engineering of pathways for biofuel and biopolymer production
- Bottom-up design and modelling of gene networks
- Quorum sensing re-engineering