User:Lisa Goers
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General Info
- Lisa Goers (Lisa Görs)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School
- Boston, MA, USA
- Email: lgoers[at]mgh[dot]harvard[dot]edu
- Harvard Catalyst:
- LinkedIn:
- Researchgate:
- Twitter:
- Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Centre for Synthetic Biology and Innovation (CSynBI)
- Imperial College London
- Imperial College Road
- London, England, UK
- Email: lisa.goers[at]imperial[dot]ac[dot]uk
- Imperial website:
Polizzi lab: ;
Freemont lab:
Kitney lab:
Research interests
Synthetic Biology; method development; biosensors; plant and microbial science; evolution; molecular biology; sustainability.
- 2010-2015, PhD Molecular Biosciences (Synthetic Biology), Imperial College London, Supervisors: Karen Polizzi, Paul Freemont
- 2010, MSci Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, England
- 2010, BA Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, England
- 2006, A Levels, Ivybridge Community College, Ivybridge, England
Previous labs
- Dr. Kathryn Lilley, University of Cambridge (4th year MSci project)
- Prof. Peter Nixon, Imperial College (summer undergraduate project)
- Dr Paul Dupree, University of Cambridge (3rd year undergraduate project)
- Dr Edmund Kunji, University of Cambridge (summer undergraduate project)
- Prof. Gail Taylor, University of Southampton (summer undergraduate project)
- Prof. Dr. Angelika Brandt, Universitaet Hamburg (summer project)
- "Co-culture systems and technologies: taking synthetic biology to the next level", 2014 [1]
- "Engineering Microbial Biosensors", 2013 [2]
Acknowledged in:
- "Structure of CyanoP at 2.8 Å: Implications for the Evolution and Function of the PsbP Subunit of Photosystem II", 2010 [3]
- "Abnormal Glycosphingolipid Mannosylation Triggers Salicylic Acid–Mediated Responses in Arabidopsis", 2013 [4]
- "EcoFlex: A Multifunctional MoClo Kit for E. coli Synthetic Biology", 2016 [5]
- Making Sense: Novel in vivo biosensors for industrial contexts. Goers, L., Hirst, C., Ainsworth, C. Freemont, P., Polizzi, K. M. (Synthetic Biology UK 2015, London) [6]
- Novel in vivo biosensors for monitoring of mammalian cell cultures. Goers, L., Freemont, P., Polizzi, K. M. (AIChE Annual Meeting, 2014, Atlanta) [7]
- Novel in vivo biosensors for on-line monitoring of mammalian cell cultures. Goers, L. (Flowers Consortium meeting, 2013)
- Tissue culture contamination for fun and profit – A synthetic system for the on-demand supply of nutrients to mammalian cell cultures. Goers, L. (Lightening Talk, IChemE Young Researchers Meeting 2012, University of Manchester.)
- Tissue culture contamination for fun and profit – A synthetic system for the on-demand supply of nutrients to mammalian cell cultures. Goers, L. (FlashTalk, EnGENEious Conference 2012, University of Oxford.)
- Tissue culture contamination for fun and profit - Novel in vivo biosensors for on-line monitoring of mammalian cell cultures. Goers, L.
- (Poster presented at SB6.0 The sixth international meeting on Synthetic Biology, 2013, Imperial College London) [8]
- Tissue culture contamination for fun and profit – A synthetic system for the on-demand supply of nutrients to mammalian cell cultures.
- (Poster presented at International Workshop on Systems and Synthetic Biology, 2012, Palmas de Mallorca.)
- Tissue culture contamination for fun and profit – A synthetic system for the on-demand supply of nutrients to mammalian cell cultures.
- (Poster presented at IChemE Young Researchers Meeting 2012, University of Manchester; was awarded Prize for Best Poster.)
- Tissue culture contamination for fun and profit – A synthetic system for the on-demand supply of nutrients to mammalian cell cultures.
- (Poster presented at Graduate School Summer Research Symposium 2012, Imperial College London; presenting at this event is part of Division of Molecular Biosciences Postgraduate Research Day Poster Prize)
- Tissue culture contamination for fun and profit – A synthetic system for the on-demand supply of nutrients to mammalian cell cultures.
- (Poster presented at EnGENEious Conference 2012, University of Oxford; was awarded Prize for Best Poster.)
- Tissue culture contamination for fun and profit – A synthetic system for the on-demand supply of glutamine to mammalian cell cultures
- (Poster presented at Division of Molecular Biosciences Postgraduate Research Day 2012, Imperial College London; was awarded Third Prize for Best Research Poster)
- Tissue culture contamination for fun and profit – A synthetic system for the on-demand supply of glutamine to mammalian cell cultures
- (Poster presented at Biochemical Society Centenary Celebration, London, 2011)
- Tissue culture contamination for fun and profit – A synthetic system for the on-demand supply of glutamine to mammalian cell cultures.
- (Poster presented at Biochemical Society Harden Conference – “Synthetic Biology: design and engineering through understanding”, Keele University, UK, 2011; was awarded Biochemical Society Centenary Poster Prize)
- Tissue culture contamination for fun and profit – A synthetic system for the on-demand supply of glutamine to mammalian cell cultures.
- (Poster presented at RosBNet Synthetic Biology Workshop 2011, Oxford)
- "Designing metabolite biosensors for bioprocess monitoring using synthetic biology" [9]
Prizes, Bursaries, Awards, Studentships, Funding
- Shortlisted for UKICRS Essay Competition ‘Drug Delivery – lessons from nature’, 2015
- EPSRC Frontier Engineering programme, 2014
- IChemE Young Researchers Meeting best poster prize, 2012
- enGENEious Conference poster prize, 2012 [10]
- Short-listed for British Federation of Women Graduates (BFWG) Scholarship, 2012
- Third Prize for Best Research Poster, Division of Molecular Biosciences Postgraduate Research Day, 2012
- Biochemical Centenary Poster Prize at the 70th Harden Conference, 2011 [11]
- BBSRC Targeted Priority Studentship, 2010
- BBSRC Vacation Bursary, 2009
- Gatsby Plants Summer Student Bursary, 2008
- Selected to attend Gatsby Plants Summer School, 2007
- Trinity Hall Overseas Bursary, 2006
- Cambridge European Trust Bursary, 2006-2010
- Science Cup, Ivybridge Community, 2006
- A level student of the year, Ivybridge Community College, 2006
- ranked “Highly commended student”, British Biology Olympiad, 2006
- Supervisor for Imperial College Auxin team (European winner and International runner-up), 2011 [12]
Non-scientific Publications
- Photo selected for exhibition at Imperial Festival 2016
- Imperial Fringe 2014
- Imperial Festival 2012
Useful links
- Introductory tutorial
- OpenWetWare help pages
- Centre for Synthetic Biology and Innovation [15]
- Imperial College London [16]