- No growth on yesterday's plates → replate remainder this afternoon
- DpnI digest of +His/(-)control QuikChange of pMXB10 from yesterday; subsequently transform these samples
- Run gel with QC samples
- Double-digest of pTXB1 with BamHI and EcoRI (retrial with higher [DNA])
Bench work
- Ran 1.2% agarose gel with QC reactions
- Added 1μL of DpnI to each of the QC reactions from yesterday
- Double-digest of pTXB1 with BamHI and EcoRI
- NEB suggests NEBuffer EcoRI for this double-digest, but NEBuffer 3 was used instead.
- 50μL volume: 10μL 200μg/mL pTXB1, 5μL NEB 3 (10X), 5μL EcoRI (2kU/mL), 5μL BamHI (20kU/mL), 24.5μL dH2O, 0.5μL BSA (100X)
- 2 hours @ 37°C