User:Karol J. Rogowski

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Contact Info

Karol J. Rogowski (an artistic interpretation)
  • Karol J. Rogowski
  • Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology at Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine
  • Robert-Roessle-Strasse 10
  • 13125 Berlin, Germany
  • Email me through OpenWetWare


  • Since 2014 PhD fellow as part of the ITN RNATrain network at Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine
  • 2013, MSc in Biotechnology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
  • 2012, BSc in Horticulture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland

Research interests

  1. Long non-coding RNAs
  2. RNA biology
  3. Epigenetics


  1. Rogowski KJ, Folta A, Bargsten JW, Nap JP, and Mlynarova L. Unexpectedly rapid IS1 transposition into an Arabidopsis chromatin remodeling gene. Transgenic Res. 2013 Aug;22(4):869-71. DOI:10.1007/s11248-013-9698-3 | PubMed ID:23430589 | HubMed [Paper1]

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