User:JungHye Choi

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JungHye Choi, Ph.D.

Post-Doctoral Fellow (Dr. Ie-Ming Shih Lab)

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular Pathology

1550 Orleans st. CRB-II Rm#376, Baltimore MD, 21231, U.S.A.


Research Interests

  • Endocrine-related cancer
  • Ovarian cancer oncogenomics


  • B. of Pharmacy (1996-2000) : Kyunghyee University, Dept. of Oriental Pharmacy, Seoul, Korea (Summa cum Laude)
  • M. of Pharmacy (2000-2002) : Kyunghyee University, Dept. of Pharmacy, Seoul, Korea
  • Ph.D.(2003-2006): The University of British Columbia, Reprodudctive and Developmental Science Program(Dept. of Ob&Gyn), Vancouver, Canada

Professional Training and Academic Awards

  • Graduate Studentship Award of IWRH (The Interdisciplinary Women’s Reproductive Health) Research Training Program, Child & Family Research Institute, Canada, Jul 2005-Oct 2006
  • Research Trainee Awards for Outstanding Achievement, Child& Family Research Institute, Canada, Mar 2005
  • BC Research Institute New Studentship, Child& Family Research Institute, Canada, Jun 2003-Jun 2005
  • STIRRHS PhD matching funding bursary, STIRRHS (Strategic Training Initiative in Research in Reproductive Health Sciences), CIHR(Canadian Institutes of Health Research), Canada, Aug 2003 – declined
  • Albert B and Mary Steiner Summer Research Award, University of British Columbia, Canada, May 2004
  • Travel Award, The Pacific Rim Society for Fertility & Sterility, Japan, Mar 2004
  • Exchange student; Aug 2001; Showa University, Dept. of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Japan
  • Graduate Studentship Award of Brain Korea 21, Korea Research Foundation, Korea, Sep 2000-Sep 2001


1. Choi JH, Choi KC, Auersperg N, and Leung PCK. A ligand-independent estrogen receptor pathway is involved in leptin-induced ovarian cancer cell growth. Submitted to Endocr Relat Cancer

2. Chen LC, Cheung LWT, Lau MT, Choi JH, Wang HS, Wong AST, Auersperg N and Leung PCK. Differential Role of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone on Human Ovarian Epithelial Cancer Cell Invasion. Submitted to Endocrinology

3. Choi JH, Wong AST, Huang HF, and Leung PCK. Gonadotropins and ovarian cancer. Endocr Rev 2007 In press (PMID1746363

4. Choi JH, Gilks B, Auersperg N, and Leung PCK. Immunolocalization of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-I, GnRH-II, and Type-I GnRH Receptor during follicular development in the human ovary. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2006 Nov;91(11):4562-4570 (PMID:16954155)

5. Choi JH, Choi KC, Auersperg N, and Leung PCK Differential regulation of two forms of gonadotropin-releasing hormone messenger ribonucleic acid by gonadotropins in human immortalized ovarian surface epithelium and ovarian cancer. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2006 Jun;13(2):641-651 (PMID: 16728589)

6. Leung PCK and Choi JH Endocrine Signaling in Ovarian Surface Epithelium and Cancer. Hum Reprod Update 2006 Oct; (PMID: 17071638)

7. Choi JH, Choi KC, Auersperg N, and Leung PCK 2006 Gonadotropins activate proteolysis and increase invasion through protein kinase A and phosphatidyl-inositol-3-kinase pathways in human epithelial ovarian cancer cells. Cancer Res. 66(7):3912-3920 (PMID:16585220)

8. Choi JH, Choi KC, Auersperg N, and Leung PCK 2005 Gonadotropins upregulate the epidermal growth factor receptor through activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases and phosphatidyl-inositol-3-kinase in human ovarian surface epithelial cells. Endocr Relat Cancer. 12(2):407-421 (PMID: 15947112)

9. An BS, Choi JH, Choi K-C, Leung PCK 2005 Progesterone regulates gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor gene at the transcriptional level in neuronal cells. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 90(2):1106-1113 (PMID: 15562029)

10.Choi JH, Park SH, Leung PCK, Choi K-C 2005 Expression of leptin receptors and potential effect of leptin on the cell growth and activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases in ovarian cancer cells. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 90 (1): 207-210 (PMID: 15522945)

11.Choi JH, Choi K-C, Auersperg N, Leung PCK 2004 Overexpression of follicle-stimulating hormone receptor activates oncogenic pathways in preneoplastic ovarian surface epithelial cells. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 89(11), 5508-5516 (PMID: 15531506)

12.Choi JH, Ha JH, Park JH, Lee JY, Lee YS, Park HJ Choi JW, Masuda Y, Nakaya K, Lee KT 2002 Costunolide Triggers Apoptosis in Human Leukemia U937 Cells by Depleting Intracellular Thiols. Jpn J Cancer Res, 93(12), 1327-1333. (PMID: 12495472)

13.Choi JH, Shin KM, Kim NY, Hong JP, Lee YS, Kim HJ, Park HJ, Lee KT 2002 Taraxinic acid, a hydrolysate of sesquiterpene lactone glycoside from the Taraxacum coreanum NAKAI, induces the differentiation of human acute promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells. Biol Pharm Bull, 25(11), 1446-1450. (PMID: 12419957)

14.Jeong SH, Koo SJ, Choi JH, Park JH, Ha J, Park HJ, Lee KT 2002 Intermedeol isolated from the leaves of Ligularia fischeri var. Spiciformis Induces the Differentiation of Human Acute Promyeocytic Leukemia HL-60 Cells. Planta Med, 68(10), 881-885. (PMID: 12391549)

15.Choi JH, Seo BR, Seo SH, Lee KT, Park JH, Park HJ, Choi JW, Miyamoto KI 2002 Costunloide induces the Differentiation of Human Leukemia HL-60 Cells. Arch Pharm Res 25(4), 480-484. (PMID: 12214860)

16.Lee KT, Sohn IC, Kim YG, Choi JH, Choi JW, Park HJ, Itoh Y, Miyamoto KI 2001 Tectorigenin, an Isoflavone of Pueraria thunbergiana Benth., Induced Differentiation and Apoptosis in Human Promyelocytic Leukemia HL-60 Cells. Biol Pharm Bull, 24(10), 1117-1121. (PMID: 11642314)

17.Lee KT, Choi JH, Kim DH, Son KH, Kim WB, Kwon SH, Park HJ 2001 Constituents and the Antitumor Principle of Allium victorialis var. plarypyllum. Arch Pharm Res, 24(1), 44-50. (PMID: 11235811)