User:Helen L. Slucher/Notebook/CHEM 571/2013/10/23

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  1. Protein-AuNP analysis
    1. Take a picture and note physical description of each ratio
    2. Place 1mL of each ratio in an 1.5mL eppendorf tube.
    3. Centrifuge for 30 minutes (Be considerate of other uses here. Act quickly, and get as many tubes in the centrifuge as you can at once.)
    4. Take a UV-Vis spectrum of each sample (Be considerate of other users here)
    5. After taking the spectrum, save the sample in a fresh eppy tube.
  2. Synthesis of HRP-AuNPs and Hemoglobin-AuNPs
    1. Into test tube that will contain a total of 5mL add
    2. Au solution such that the final concentration is 0.25mM
    3. For Myoglobin make the following solutions to reflect an Au:Protein ratios
      1. 30
      2. 50
      3. 70
      4. 90
      5. 110
      6. 130
      7. 150
      8. 170
      9. 190
      10. 210
    4. For HRP make the following solutions to reflect an Au:Protein ratios
      1. 230
      2. 250
      3. 270
      4. 290
      5. 310
      6. 330
      7. 350
      8. 370
      9. 390
      10. 410
    5. Water up to 5mL


Stock Solutions

  1. Gold
    1. 2.50mM
  2. HRP
    1. 1.5μM
  3. Myoglobin
    1. 16.9μM


  1. Series 1: 30 to 1 Au to Protein
  2. Series 2: 50
  3. Series 3: 70
  4. Series 4: 90
  5. Series 5: 110
  6. Series 6: 130
  7. Series 7: 150
  8. Series 8: 170
  9. Series 9: 190
  10. Series 10: 210
  1. Series 1: 30
  2. Series 2: 50
  3. Series 3: 70
  4. Series 4: 90
  5. Series 5: 110
  6. Series 6: 130
  7. Series 7: 150
  8. Series 8: 170
  9. Series 9: 190
  10. Series 10: 210