- Protein-AuNP analysis
- Take a picture and note physical description of each ratio
- Place 1mL of each ratio in an 1.5mL eppendorf tube.
- Centrifuge for 30 minutes (Be considerate of other uses here. Act quickly, and get as many tubes in the centrifuge as you can at once.)
- Take a UV-Vis spectrum of each sample (Be considerate of other users here)
- After taking the spectrum, save the sample in a fresh eppy tube.
- Synthesis of HRP-AuNPs and Hemoglobin-AuNPs
- Into test tube that will contain a total of 5mL add
- Au solution such that the final concentration is 0.25mM
- For Myoglobin make the following solutions to reflect an Au:Protein ratios
- 30
- 50
- 70
- 90
- 110
- 130
- 150
- 170
- 190
- 210
- For HRP make the following solutions to reflect an Au:Protein ratios
- 230
- 250
- 270
- 290
- 310
- 330
- 350
- 370
- 390
- 410
- Water up to 5mL
Stock Solutions
- Gold
- 2.50mM
- 1.5μM
- Myoglobin
- 16.9μM
- Series 1: 30 to 1 Au to Protein
- Series 2: 50
- Series 3: 70
- Series 4: 90
- Series 5: 110
- Series 6: 130
- Series 7: 150
- Series 8: 170
- Series 9: 190
- Series 10: 210
- Series 1: 30
- Series 2: 50
- Series 3: 70
- Series 4: 90
- Series 5: 110
- Series 6: 130
- Series 7: 150
- Series 8: 170
- Series 9: 190
- Series 10: 210