User:Gordon Fox
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Contact Info
- Gordon Fox
- University of South Florida
- Division of Integrative Biology (SCA110)
- 4202 E. Fowler Ave.
- Tampa, FL 33620
- Email me through OpenWetWare
I work in the Fox Lab at the University of South Florida. I learned about OpenWetWare by running across it on web, and I've joined because I would like to maintain a lab website through your software.
- 1989, PhD, University of Arizona
- 1975, BA, University of California, Berkeley
Research interests
- Population biology
- Plant ecology & evolution
- Conservation biology
- Fang, W., D. L. Taub, G. A. Fox, R. M. Landis, and and J. Gurevitch. 2006. Sources of variation in growth, form, and survival in dwarf and normal-stature pitch pines, Pinus rigida (Pinaceae) in long-term transplant experiments. American Journal of Botany 93: 1125-1133.
- Fox, G. A., B. E. Kendall, J. Fitzpatrick, and G. Woolfenden. 2006. Consequences of heterogeneity in survival in a population of Florida scrub-jays. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 921-927.
- Fujiwara, M., B. E. Kendall, and G. A. Fox. 2006. Effects of demographic heterogeneity on population viability. In review, Ecology Letters.
- Fox, G. A., K. Hum, D. Brownlie, M. Folk, and S. Woiak. 2006. Fire and organic soil consumption in Florida wetlands. In review, Fire Ecology.
- Fox, G. A. 2005. Population viability and extinction risk of heterogeneous populations. Ecology 86: 1191-1198.
- Landis, R. M., J. Gurevitch, F. Wei, D. Taub, and G. A. Fox. 2005. Pattern and variation in Pinus rigida demography after fire in the Long Island, NY pine barrens. Journal of Ecology 93: 607-617.
- Kendall, B. E., and G. A. Fox. 2003. Unstructured individual variation and demographic stochasticity. Conservation Biology 17: 1170-1172.
- Fox, G. A., and A. Hastings. 2003. Limiting relationships between selection and recombination. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 65: 129-141.
- Fox, G. A. 2003. Assortative mating and plant phenology: evolutionary and practical consequences. Evolutionary Ecology Research 5: 1-18.
- Kendall, B., and G. A. Fox. 2002. Individual variability reduces demographic stochasticity. Conservation Biology 16: 109-116.
- Fox, G. A., and B. E. Kendall. 2002. Demographic stochasticity and the variance reduction effect. Ecology 83: 1928-1934.
- Fox, G. A. 2001. Failure time analysis: studying times-to-events and rates at which events occur. Pages 253-289 in S. M. Scheiner and J. Gurevitch, eds.: Design and analysis of ecological experiments, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. (PDF - preprint)
- Fox, G. A., and J. Gurevitch. 2000. Population numbers count! Tools for near-term demographic analysis. American Naturalist 156: 242-256.
- Fox, G. A. 1999. Reproductive strategies. In MacMillan Encyclopedia of the Life Sciences. Online:
- Kendall, B., and G. A. Fox. 1998. The impact of spatial structure on population dynamics: analysis of the coupled logistic map. Theoretical Population Biology 54:11-37.
- Schwinning, S., and G. A. Fox. 1995. Competitive symmetry and its consequences for plant population dynamics. Oikos 72:422-432.
- Hastings, A., and G. A. Fox. 1995. Optimization as a technique of studying population genetic equations. Pages 18-26 in W. Banzhaf and F. H. Eeckman, eds. Evolution and biocomputation: computational models of evolution. Berlin: Springer-Verlag (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 899).
- Ferrière, R., and G. A. Fox. 1995. Chaos and evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 10:480-485.
- Fox, G. A., A. S. Evans, and C. Keefer. 1995. Phenotypic consequences of forcing germination: a problem for experimental design. American Journal of Botany 82:1264-1270.
- Fox, G. A. 1993. Failure time analysis: emergence, flowering, survivorship, and other waiting times. Pages 253-289 in S. M. Scheiner and J. Gurevitch, eds.: Design and analysis of ecological experiments. Chapman and Hall, London.
- Fox, G. A. 1993. Demographic stochasticity and life history evolution. Evolutionary Ecology 7: 1-14.
- Belsky, J. A., W. P. Carson, C. L. Jensen, and G. A. Fox. 1993. Overcompensation by plants: herbivore optimization or red herring? Evolutionary Ecology 7: 109-121.
- Fox, G. A., and C. K. Kelly. 1993. Plant phenology: selectio and neutrality [letter]. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 8: 34-35.
- Fox, G. A., and A. M. Hastings. 1992. Inferring selective history from multilocus data sets: Wright meets the Hamiltonian. Genetics 132: 277-288.
- Fox, G. A. 1992. Annual plant life histories and the paradigm of energy allocation. Evolutionary Ecology 6: 482-499.
- Fox, G. A. 1992. The effect of time-varying mortality and carbon assimilation on models of carbon allocation in annual plants. Evolutionary Ecology 6: 500-518.
- Fox, G. A. 1992. Life history traits in desert annuals: adaptation and constraint. Evolutionary Trends in Plants 6: 25-31.
- Fox, G. A. 1990. Perennation and the persistence of annual life histories. American Naturalist 135: 829-840.
- Fox, G. A. 1990. Components of flowering time variation in a desert annual. Evolution 44: 1404-1423.
- Fox, G. A. 1990. Drought and the evolution of flowering time in desert annuals. American Journal of Botany 77: 1508-1518.
- Fox, G. A. 1989. Life tables and statistical inferences. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 70: 229-230.
- Fox, G. A. 1989. Consequences of flowering time in a desert annual: adaptation and history. Ecology 70: 1294-1306.