User:Gordon Fox

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Contact Info

Gordon Fox (an artistic interpretation)
  • Gordon Fox
  • University of South Florida
  • Division of Integrative Biology (SCA110)
  • 4202 E. Fowler Ave.
  • Tampa, FL 33620
  • Email me through OpenWetWare

I work in the Fox Lab at the University of South Florida. I learned about OpenWetWare by running across it on web, and I've joined because I would like to maintain a lab website through your software.


  • 1989, PhD, University of Arizona
  • 1975, BA, University of California, Berkeley

Research interests

  1. Population biology
  2. Plant ecology & evolution
  3. Conservation biology


  1. Fang, W., D. L. Taub, G. A. Fox, R. M. Landis, and and J. Gurevitch. 2006. Sources of variation in growth, form, and survival in dwarf and normal-stature pitch pines, Pinus rigida (Pinaceae) in long-term transplant experiments. American Journal of Botany 93: 1125-1133.
  2. Fox, G. A., B. E. Kendall, J. Fitzpatrick, and G. Woolfenden. 2006. Consequences of heterogeneity in survival in a population of Florida scrub-jays. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 921-927.
  3. Fujiwara, M., B. E. Kendall, and G. A. Fox. 2006. Effects of demographic heterogeneity on population viability. In review, Ecology Letters.
  4. Fox, G. A., K. Hum, D. Brownlie, M. Folk, and S. Woiak. 2006. Fire and organic soil consumption in Florida wetlands. In review, Fire Ecology.
  5. Fox, G. A. 2005. Population viability and extinction risk of heterogeneous populations. Ecology 86: 1191-1198.
  6. Landis, R. M., J. Gurevitch, F. Wei, D. Taub, and G. A. Fox. 2005. Pattern and variation in Pinus rigida demography after fire in the Long Island, NY pine barrens. Journal of Ecology 93: 607-617.
  7. Kendall, B. E., and G. A. Fox. 2003. Unstructured individual variation and demographic stochasticity. Conservation Biology 17: 1170-1172.
  8. Fox, G. A., and A. Hastings. 2003. Limiting relationships between selection and recombination. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 65: 129-141.
  9. Fox, G. A. 2003. Assortative mating and plant phenology: evolutionary and practical consequences. Evolutionary Ecology Research 5: 1-18.
  10. Kendall, B., and G. A. Fox. 2002. Individual variability reduces demographic stochasticity. Conservation Biology 16: 109-116.
  11. Fox, G. A., and B. E. Kendall. 2002. Demographic stochasticity and the variance reduction effect. Ecology 83: 1928-1934.
  12. Fox, G. A. 2001. Failure time analysis: studying times-to-events and rates at which events occur. Pages 253-289 in S. M. Scheiner and J. Gurevitch, eds.: Design and analysis of ecological experiments, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. (PDF - preprint)
  13. Fox, G. A., and J. Gurevitch. 2000. Population numbers count! Tools for near-term demographic analysis. American Naturalist 156: 242-256.
  14. Fox, G. A. 1999. Reproductive strategies. In MacMillan Encyclopedia of the Life Sciences. Online:
  15. Kendall, B., and G. A. Fox. 1998. The impact of spatial structure on population dynamics: analysis of the coupled logistic map. Theoretical Population Biology 54:11-37.
  16. Schwinning, S., and G. A. Fox. 1995. Competitive symmetry and its consequences for plant population dynamics. Oikos 72:422-432.
  17. Hastings, A., and G. A. Fox. 1995. Optimization as a technique of studying population genetic equations. Pages 18-26 in W. Banzhaf and F. H. Eeckman, eds. Evolution and biocomputation: computational models of evolution. Berlin: Springer-Verlag (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 899).
  18. Ferrière, R., and G. A. Fox. 1995. Chaos and evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 10:480-485.
  19. Fox, G. A., A. S. Evans, and C. Keefer. 1995. Phenotypic consequences of forcing germination: a problem for experimental design. American Journal of Botany 82:1264-1270.
  20. Fox, G. A. 1993. Failure time analysis: emergence, flowering, survivorship, and other waiting times. Pages 253-289 in S. M. Scheiner and J. Gurevitch, eds.: Design and analysis of ecological experiments. Chapman and Hall, London.
  21. Fox, G. A. 1993. Demographic stochasticity and life history evolution. Evolutionary Ecology 7: 1-14.
  22. Belsky, J. A., W. P. Carson, C. L. Jensen, and G. A. Fox. 1993. Overcompensation by plants: herbivore optimization or red herring? Evolutionary Ecology 7: 109-121.
  23. Fox, G. A., and C. K. Kelly. 1993. Plant phenology: selectio and neutrality [letter]. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 8: 34-35.
  24. Fox, G. A., and A. M. Hastings. 1992. Inferring selective history from multilocus data sets: Wright meets the Hamiltonian. Genetics 132: 277-288.
  25. Fox, G. A. 1992. Annual plant life histories and the paradigm of energy allocation. Evolutionary Ecology 6: 482-499.
  26. Fox, G. A. 1992. The effect of time-varying mortality and carbon assimilation on models of carbon allocation in annual plants. Evolutionary Ecology 6: 500-518.
  27. Fox, G. A. 1992. Life history traits in desert annuals: adaptation and constraint. Evolutionary Trends in Plants 6: 25-31.
  28. Fox, G. A. 1990. Perennation and the persistence of annual life histories. American Naturalist 135: 829-840.
  29. Fox, G. A. 1990. Components of flowering time variation in a desert annual. Evolution 44: 1404-1423.
  30. Fox, G. A. 1990. Drought and the evolution of flowering time in desert annuals. American Journal of Botany 77: 1508-1518.
  31. Fox, G. A. 1989. Life tables and statistical inferences. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 70: 229-230.
  32. Fox, G. A. 1989. Consequences of flowering time in a desert annual: adaptation and history. Ecology 70: 1294-1306.

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