User:Eleni N. Kalivas/Notebook/CHEM-571/2015/02/11

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PVA-Alg Bead Synthesis Main project page
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February 11, 2015

  • New syntheses: activated carbon and zeolite


Procedure adapted from | Kuo-Ying Amanda Wu and Keith D. Wisecarver (1992)<br.>

  1. Prepare an aqueous solution of 13% PVA and 0.02% sodium alginate at 60°C (Stir plate on 3rd setting: ~68°C)
    • 1 gram of PVA and 0.16 g of sodium alginate in 7 mL of water (12.5% PVA and ~0.02% alginate)
      • Add alginate while stirring PVA-water solution
    • ~0.1 g of nanocomposite should be added to this mixture where applicable
  2. Cool dissolved and mixed solution to 35°C
  3. Prepare 210 mL of saturated citric acid with 4% calcium chloride
    1. Add 8.4 grams (4%) of calcium chloride to 210 mL of water
    2. Add citric acid to saturation (12-15 g citric acid)
      • 14.7g/100mL > 30.87 g/210 for solubility comparable to boric acid
  4. Add the PVA-Alg-Nanocomposite mixture drop-wise (by syringe) to the gently stirring (stir plate 3) citric acid-calcium chloride solution using a Pasteur pipette
  5. Stir for 2 hrs to allow solidification
  6. Rinse with water to remove excess reactants


  • PVA-Alg-AC
    • PVA: 1.001 g
    • Alg: 0.163 g
    • AC: 0.107 g
    • Citric acid: 14.19 g
    • CaCl2: 8.667 g
  • PVA-Alg-Zeolite
    • PVA: 1.11 g
    • Alg: 0.162 g
    • Zeolite: 0.105 g
    • Citric acid: 13.679 g
    • CaCl2: 8.385 g




  • Activated carbon coated PVA-Alg matrix, burst upon contact with anything
  • Zeolite beads disintegrated
  • New plan: focus on NaMT
    • Friday: big batches of NaMT, try batch of NaMT+AC (to integrate AC into structure)