User:Douglas M. Fox/Notebook/AU CHEM-581 F2012 Lab Support/2016/09/16

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  • Notebooks!!!

  • Finish what you started on Wednesday

  • Attach rubber hose to end of a plastic column
  • Weigh the empty, dried column
  • Rinse with water, allow water to drain through column, dry outside, and reweigh
  • Add enough beads to fill the column 1/3 - 1/2
  • Cap and tilt back and forth until no air bubble present
  • Rinse with water, allow water to drain through column, dry outside, and reweigh
  • Dilute 10 mL of MG stock to 50 ppm
  • Pour the MG through your column, 5 - 10 mL at a time
  • Collect 5 mL of affluent at a time
  • Rinse with 10 mL of HPLC water, collecting in 2 vials
  • What do you think the void volume of your column is? Why does it matter? How can you measure it?