User:Douglas M. Fox/Notebook/AU CHEM-571 F2011 Lab Support/2014/08/07

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AuNP - CaCl2 Equilibrium

  • Added 23.85 mg CaCl2 (71.35 mg total)

Effects of Container on AuNP Synthesis

tube type tube size 2.53 mM HAuCl4 17.81 μM Lys water
glass 20 x 150 mm 988 mL 4.678 mL 4.334 mL
glass 16 x 125 mm 494 mL 2.339 mL 2.167 mL
PS 17 x 100 mm 494 mL 2.339 mL 2.167 mL
glass 13 x 100 mm 494 mL 2.339 mL 2.167 mL

Covered each in foil and placed in 80 °C for 2 hrs