User:Douglas M. Fox/Notebook/AU CHEM-571 F2011 Lab Support/2014/07/25

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Protein Solution Preparation

  1. Lysozyme
    • Mw = 14,307 Da
    • 0.00637 g in 25 mL vol flask (17.81 μM)
    • 0.02538 g in 25 mL vol flask (70.96 μM = 1.01 g/L)
  2. BSA
    • Mw = 66,430 Da
    • 0.02944 g in 25 mL vol flask (17.73 μM = 1.18 g/L)
  3. Invertase
    • Mw = 270,000 Da
    • 0.09497 g in 10 mL vol flask (35.2 μM = 9.56 g/L)
    • Did not completely dissolve

General Procedure for determining appropriate concentration:

  • Identify [Au]:[protein] concentration required for fiber formation
  • [Au]f = 0.25 mM = 250 μM for correct pH
  • Want to add 1 mL of each stock, diluted to 10 mL for fiber formation
  • [Au]stock = 2.5 mM
  • For BSA, fiber formation occurs at [Au]:[protein] = 135
  • [Protein] = [Au]/135 = 18.5 μM
  • Note that the final prepared solution will have [protein]f = 1.85 μM