Preparing sample
- Concentrate protein solution
- Place in centrifugal device at 3000g, 4C for 1 hour and 15 minutes
- Centrifuge again with pH 8.3 20mM Tris added for a total volume of 60mL
- Centrifuge until the solution is reduced to ~10mL
- Inject solution into Q-Sepharose column
- Collect elute during injection
- Run a 0-300mM NaCl in Tris gradient over 30 minutes and collect fractions
- Combine desired fractions with added 20mM pH 8.3 Tris buffer
- Concentrate solution in centrifuge
- Inject solution into Q-Sepharose column
- Collect elute during injection
- Run a 0-300mM NaCl in Tris gradient over 60 minutes and collect fractions
- Combine desired fractions with added 10mM pH 7.2 Phosphate buffer
- Two sets of fractions were collected in separate tubes corresponding to two peaks
- Concentrate solution in centrifuge