- Prepare a 300uM solution of sodium dithionite in 100mL of Tris buffer at pH 8.3
- Degas solution for an hour
- Nitrogen was bubbled through the solution
- A disposable column was obtained
- GE PD-10 pre-packed column
- The column was cleaned by running 25mL of dionized water through it
- The column was equilibrated by running 25mL of the degassed solution through it
- Once equilibrated, we started running the protein in the following steps
- 2.5mL of protein are added to the column (do not collect elute)
- 3.5mL of degassed Tris with DTT are added to the column (collect elute)
- 25mL of degassed Tris with DTT are added to the column to re-equilibrate (do not collect elute)
- Repeat the steps until all the protein has been run through the column
- After the first collection, a solution of Ruthenium was added to the elute and the following collations (of protein) were added to the same tube
- The ruthenium solution was made up to contain 10X more Ruthenium than protein
- Once all the protein were collected from the column, the tube was covered in foil and placed on the shaker for 4 hours
- During the wait period, the desalting column on the FPLC was cleaned and equilibrated with Tris buffer pH 8.3
- After 4 hours of reactions, the protein solution was run through the desalting column
- The protein and ruthenium excess were separated using the column and stored in separate tubes
- The tubes were placed in the freezer until further purification next week
To do next week
- Concentrate protein from desalting column
- Clean and restabilize desalt column
- Run through Q-column w/ gradient 0-30% NaCl 10 minutes and collect fractions
- concentrate elute from q-column
- Run through Q-column w/ gradient 0-30% NaCl 30 minutes and collect fractions
- concentrate elute from q-column
- Run through Q-column w/ gradient 0-30% NaCl 1 hour and collect fractions
- concentrate elute from q-column
- run gel