User:Coyin Oh
Registration/Questionnaire: 20.109 Fall 2012
Last Name
First Name
Preferred name
Year of Graduation
Telephone #
coyin AT mit DOT edu
Have you taken or are you taking...
20.320 (Cell Kinetics) - currently taking.
7.05/5.07 (Biochemistry) - currently taking 5.07.
7.06 (Cell Biology) - not yet taken.
5.310 (General Chemistry Lab) - taken Spring 2012.
Do you have any experience culturing cells (mammalian, yeast or microbial)?
I have worked with the basic culturing of HeLa (mammalian) cells for two months this past summer (2012).
Do you have any experience in molecular biology (electrophoresis, PCR, etc)?
Please briefly describe any previous laboratory experience
I have taken 5.310 so I know some basic chemistry laboratory techniques. Other than that, I also did some basic culture of HeLa cells this past summer (2012) and had experience doing MTT assays.
Please briefly describe any previous technical communication experience you have
- Written Communication
- Oral Communication
My technical communication experience is limited to my 5.310 laboratory experience (both written reports and oral presentation). Other than that I have not done any formal scientific presentation before.
Anything else you would like us to know?
I'm from Malaysia! :)
Contact Info
- Coyin Oh
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- iHouse,
471 Memorial Drive,
Cambridge, MA 02139 - Email me through OpenWetWare
I used to work in the Sasisekharan Lab at MIT from May 2011 - May 2012. I learned about OpenWetWare from Class, and I've joined because I am taking 20.109 this Fall (2012) at MIT.
- 2014 (Expected), BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Research interests
- Computational Biology
None at the moment.