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<html> <HEAD> <TITLE> C++ LabeledGraph </TITLE> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT=""> </HEAD>


<p><b>C++ LabledGraph&lt;VertexType, EdgeType&gt;</b></p> <p>LabeledGraph is a C++ template class for programming with simple <A href="">graphs</A> and <A href="">digraphs</A>. <p><b>Public methods:</b></p> <TABLE border="1"> <TR><TH><TD><A href="#const">LabeledGraph constructors & destructor</A><TD>methods to allocate, copy, and deallocate LabeledGraphs&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <TR><TH><TD><A href="#oper">LabeledGraph operators</A><TD>assign LabeledGraphs <TR><TH><TD><A href="#size">size</A><TD>returns number of <A href="">edges</A> <TR><TH><TD><A href="#order">order</A><TD>returns number of <A href="">vertices</A> <TR><TH><TD><A href="#ges">getEdgeSet</A><TD>returns set of edges <TR><TH><TD><A href="#iedge">insertEdge</A><TD>insert labeled edge between two labeled vertices <TR><TH><TD><A href="#ivert">insertVertex</A><TD>insert labeled vertex into graph <TR><TH><TD><A href="#dfs">searchDepthFirst</A><TD><A href="">depth-first</A> graph traversal with <A href="">heuristic</A> <A href="">backtracking</A> <TR><TH><TD><A href="#lgraph">lineGraph</A><TD>construct <A href="">line graph</A> <TR><TH><TD><A href="#pgraph">productGraph</A><TD>construct <A href="">product graph</A> </TABLE> <p><b>Friends:</b></p> <TABLE border="1"> <TR><TH><TD><A href="#adj">adjacent</A><TD>returns true if two vertices are connected by an edge <TR><TH><TD><A href="#getedge">getEdge</A><TD>returns a pointer to the edge connecting two vertices, else returns NULL <TR><TH><TD><A href="#clique">clique</A><TD>returns true if vertex list (path) constitutes a <A href="">clique</A> <TR><TH><TD><A href="#sim">graphSimilarity</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD>returns graph-based similarity measure </TABLE><br>

<A name="const"><b>LabeledGraph constructors & destructor</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> LabeledGraph(void)<br> LabeledGraph(const unsigned long&, const bool&)<br> LabeledGraph(const LabeledGraph&)<br> ~LabeledGraph(void)<br> </font></p> <p>The default LabeledGraph constructor creates an undirected graph with default number of vertices (<font face="Courier New">MAXVERT = 1000</font>) and zero edges<br><br> <A name="oper"><b>LabeledGraph operators</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> LabeledGraph& operator=(const LabeledGraph&)<br> LabeledGraph& operator+=(const LabeledGraph&)<br> LabeledGraph operator+(const LabeledGraph&) const<br> </font></p> <p>The addition operator performs a <A href="">graph union</A>.</p> <A name="size"><b>size</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> unsigned long size(void) const<br> </font></p> <A name="order"><b>order</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> unsigned long order(void) const<br> </font></p> <A name="ges"><b>getEdgeSet</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> set&lt;edge::type&gt; getEdgeSet(void) const<br> </font></p> <p>Returns a unique ordered set of edges. The data type named edge::type defines a couple (inherited from std::pair) of vertex pointers and a pointer to their associated edge label (or <A href="" >NULL</A> if the vertices are not adjacent). The class edge is privately defined within the LabeledGraph class; edge instantiations are therefore not available to the client.</p> <A name="iedge"><b>insertEdge</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> virtual void insertEdge(const_iterator, const_iterator, EdgeType* const)<br> </font></p> <p>Inserts a labeled edge between two vertices (pointed to by const_iterators). <A href="">Multigraphs</A> and <A href="">graph loops</A> are not supported; attempts to construct them will result in errors and program termination.</p> <A name="ivert"><b>insertVertex</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> virtual const_iterator insertVertex(const_iterator)<br> virtual const_iterator insertVertex(const VertexType&)<br> </font></p> <A name="dfs"><b>searchDepthFirst</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> virtual void searchDepthFirst(Pruner&)<br> </font></p> <p><A href="">Pruner</A> is an abstract template <A href="">functor</A> that stores the vertices in the current traversed path. A virtual operator() allows application- and user-specific pruning methods defined in classes that inherit from Pruner.</p> <A name="lgraph"><b>lineGraph</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> LabeledGraph& lineGraph(void) const<br> </font></p> <A name="pgraph"><b>productGraph</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> LabeledGraph& productGraph(bool (*) (const edge::type&, const edge::type&), const LabeledGraph&) const<br> </font></p> <p>The first argument passed to productGraph defines a function that determines the adjacency between the set of node pairs in the product graph--returning true for adjacency and false for non-adjacency. There are 256 possible product graphs. LabeledGraph defines functions for very common types including: Cartesian, Categorical, Lexicographic, Modular, and Strong.</p> <p>e.g., <font face="Courier New">LabeledGraph&lt;VertexType, EdgeType&gt; product = graph1.productGraph(Cartesian, graph2);</font></p> <A name="adj"><b>adjacent</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> friend bool adjacent(const_iterator, const_iterator)<br> </font></p> <A name="getedge"><b>getEdge</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> friend Vertex::Edge* getEdge(const_iterator, const_iterator) </font></p> <p>Edge is a nested public struct defined within the <A href="">Vertex</A> class. It has two public members:<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1. EdgeType* label (the edge label) and<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2. Vertex* target (the vertex adjacent to this vertex).</p> <A name="clique"><b>clique</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> friend bool clique(const CliqueFinder&, unsigned long&) </font></p> <p>CliqueFinder is inherited from Finder, which is inherited from Pruner. Its overloaded operator() finds the subgraph that corresponds to the maximal clique by using very simple heuristics to prune a depth-first traversal. The second parameter stores the number of real (non-<A href="">NULL</A>) edges in the clique.</p> <A name="sim"><b>graphSimilarity</b></A> <p><font face="Courier New"> friend double graphSimilarity(const LabeledGraph&, const LabeledGraph&) </font></p> <p>Graph similarity can be defined in many ways and its particular definition is often application-specific. One convenient definition of graph similarity that is appropriate for a variety of applications involves finding the largest <A href="">graph isomorphism</A> common to a pair of graphs. graphSimilarity implements a version of the <A href="">RASCAL</A> algorithm based on finding the maximum common edge subgraph. The returned measure of graph similarity is a value between zero and one (a value of one meaning the two graphs are isomorphic).</p> </html>