User:Andy Maloney/Notebook/Lab Notebook of Andy Maloney/2010/09/22/Deuterium effects
Yesterday I looked at 10% & 90% deuterium depleted effects. Today, I will look at 10% & 90% D2O effects.
I would like to point out that the micrometers I put on the sample stage are working quite nicely. Although, the y direction one doesn't move the stage in a straight line and this is due to how I hooked up the spring to the micrometer. I can fix this easily at some later time. I should also setup some way of determining where the stage is when I move it.
10% D2O 1st trial
Every thing looks really nice in this assay. No problems what so ever getting it to run.
90% D2O 1st try
This assay took just a few seconds more for me to see MTs moving around. Not a lot though.
20% D2O 1st try
This assay looks down right terrible. I'm not sure why but it looks as if I am using beta casein ans the surface passivation. Eh, I'm going to redo it at some point in time so I'm not too worried about this one assay. I will take an entire data run however.
Actually, I've decided to stop because the data I'm taking is very characteristic of a failed passivation. I am going to take a movie of it to show what a failed passivation sample looks like.