User:Andy Maloney/Notebook/Lab Notebook of Andy Maloney/2009/08/31/Ethics course Lecture 1

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Lecture 1

  • I'm not sure but I think this professor thinks that a professional is a person of knowledge and that a person of the public asks questions to them because a professional has knowledge. This then requires a professional to have a "paternal" mentality such that it is then required by the professional to give the public the answer.
    • If this is true then the professional (or physician which I think he really is talking about) has power over the public and the professional will want to keep that knowledge from the public such that the professional stays a professional. This I find unethical.
  • There seems to be some sort of connection between scientists and physicians that the prof is making that I just don't understand.
  • He notes that many people from many different backgrounds came together in America to urban centers. People then started to use technology sometimes to ill effects.
    • This is the first ethical dilemma for technology. This is a good spot to find how people started to react to technology.
  • I think I may need to learn Latin because this guy uses a lot of it for some reason. He also uses a large amount of vocabulary. I'm going to catalog all of the vocab he uses in hopes that I will learn some of it. I should note that I didn't start doing this until half way through the lecture.
  • Hahahahahaha! He calls "libertarian" views (note that he emphasized in a negative way, the word libertarian (at least that's the way it seemed)) something like open science. He says that there is a new movement where "professionals" are giving knowledge to regular people without the regular people asking for it. I'm pretty sure he means things like OWW and Wikipedia.
  • He notes that ethics and morality are not the same thing.
    • I actually agree with this.
  • I need to tape these lectures.
  • He's making a claim that technology drives politics which then drives social interactions and the ethics for a society. I haven't heard any proof of this though.
  • What is a longitudinal doses?
    • Again, since the professor confused me with this terminology, I cannot explain the context of this term but here is the closest thing I can find of it.

I'm not sure what I took away from this lecture other than there wasn't very much talk about ethics. I should note that there may have been but, I was thoroughly confused by the vocabulary and I unfortunately focused on the words I didn't understand. I do remember him talking a rather large amount about Nazis though.