Brightfield and Fluorescence images of the BSA/gold nanoparticle aggregates and fibers formed in solution.
Bench Work
add ~.75 mL of 0.234 % Congo Red to a solution contained visible protein fibers on 11/11/2011
sample 1: fibers from 11/11/2011 were placed on a microscope slide
sample 2: fresh purple solution (no visible aggregates of fibers) from Tamra was mixed with ~200 uL of 0.2 % Congo Red; after ~12 hours a few drops of the solution were placed on a microscope slide.
sample 3: fresh purple solution from Tamra, no dye added. a few drops were placed on a microscope slide
3 hours after placing solutions on slides, all three samples were washed with ethanol and then covered with a glass coverslip.