Tk:video protocols

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  • Making plates / Media
    • antibiotics
    • weighing
    • autoclaving
    • pH
    • water bath / prevention of stuff growing
    • sterile technique
    • material
    • sterile filtration
    • defined media

  • Growing cultures
    • spreaders / glass beads
    • biosafety
    • rotators
    • aeration
    • pH
    • indicators
    • temperature
    • OD measurements
    • phases of growth

  • Receiving and sending strains and plasmids
    • recovering plasmids from spotted or dried DNA
    • growing stab cultures
    • preserving cultures in glycerol
    • preserving cultures with stabs
    • preserving cultures on plates
    • sending DNA
    • sending stabs
    • sending dry ice samples

  • Labels and lab notebooks
    • dated / initialed labels
    • lab notebooks

  • Agarose gels
    • percentage choice
    • buffer choice
    • microwaving the gel
    • adding dye
    • pouring the gels
    • bottle cleanup
    • running the gel
    • buffer choice
    • adding dye to the buffer
    • running time
    • other kinds of agarose
    • loading dye
    • dna markers
    • visualizing the bands
    • UV exposure issues

  • Cutting DNA from agarose gels
    • UV exposure issues
    • weighing gel samples
    • isolation of DNA from gel slices

  • PCR reactions
    • primer design
    • reaction components
    • setting up the reaction
    • choice of cycling conditions
    • hot lids