The Essential Unknowns

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Welcome to the largest collection of all the known and unknown information about the essential unknown genes.

Our aim is to create the platform not only for scientists, but for all individuals interested in the rigorous investigation of the fundamental building blocks of life.


What are the essential unknowns?

The background information about the topic of the essential unknown genes.

The essential unknowns and the artificial cell

Learn more about how the essential unknown genes and our ability to create an artificial cell are related and read the views on the Build-A-Cell project and the essential unknowns from the leading scientists from various fields.

What we want to know

Explore the questions and suggestions for the further research projects related to the essential unknowns.

Where to look

The resources and the literature relevant to the topic of essential genes.

How to participate

Getting started

The Collection

Paper of the month and Essential gene of the month(1)
Example gene


Research ideas
Open lab positions
Funding opportunities


Build-A-Cell Project