Template:SBB-Protocols Zymo3
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Zymo Gel Purification
- All spins until the drying step are 15 second full speed spins.
- cut out bands minimizing extra gel matter.
- put in ependorf tube and add 600uL of Zymo ADB buffer (brown bottle).
- heat at 55, shake and/or vortex until the gel has dissolved.
- If the DNA is <300bp add 250uL of isopropanol
- transfer into the Zymo column inside a collection tube (small clear guys)
- spin through, discard waste.
- Add 200 uL of Zymo Wash Buffer (which is basically 70% ethanol)
- spin through, discard waste.
- Add 200 uL of Zymo Wash Buffer
- spin through, discard waste.
- spin for 90 seconds, full speed to dry.
- elute with water into a fresh Eppendorf tube