Template:SBB-Protocols Zymo2
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Small-Frag Zymo Cleanup
The following procedure removes the polymerase, dNTPs, buffer, and most of the oligonucleotides from a PCR reaction for fragments smaller than 300bp. It also will remove the buffer and restriction enzymes from a restriction digest reaction.
- Add 100 uL of Zymo ADB buffer (brown bottle) to the reaction.
- Transfer into the Zymo column (small clear guys)
- Add 500uL of Ethanol and pipette up and down to mix
- spin through (15s), discard waste.
- Add 200 uL of Zymo Wash Buffer (which is basically 70% ethanol)
- spin through (15s), discard waste.
- Add 200 uL of Zymo Wash Buffer
- spin through, discard waste.
- spin for 90 seconds, full speed to dry.
- elute with water (spin 60s) into a fresh Eppendorf tube