Talk:20.109(S11):Purify RNA and run affinity column (Day4)

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Sign-up for column protocols


You and your partner should propose a protocol in the table below.

If you make changes to the 8-12 % due to not having enough RNA on Day 4, please note them in the final column.

Protocol# Group 8-12 % Wash # (partner 1) Wash # (partner 2) Note changes to plan here
0 Sample 5 5 15 Didn't have enough 6-5 when isolated RNA, so switched to 10% 8-12.
1 Red .5 4 24 Starting with a lower 8-12 concentration.
2 Orange 50 8 16 Repeat high-percentage run because the decrease in enrichment with increasing number of washes intrigued us
3 Yellow 1 4 24 starting with a lower 8-12 concentration
4 Green 50 4 24 Repeating high-percentage run for statistical reliability.
5 Blue 2 4 32 Check to see at what limit does the trend of more washes contribute to the yield hold true.
6 Pink 2 4 24 Repeat from last year's experiment
7 Purple 10 8 32 Interested in seeing the effect of introducing greater number of washes


You and your partner should propose a protocol in the table below.

If you make changes to the 8-12 % due to not having enough RNA on Day 4, please note them in the final column.

Protocol# Group 8-12 % Wash # (partner 1) Wash # (partner 2) Note changes to plan here
0 Sample 5 5 15 Didn't have enough 6-5 when isolated RNA, so switched to 10% 8-12.
1 Red 2 4 24 Repeat from last year's experiment
2 Orange 2 2 48 New experiment: Testing extremes of washing.
3 Yellow 50 8 16 Last year's experimenters observed a decrease in yield after more washes. Repeating to see if the break from the general trend is due to the conditions selected or experimenter variation.
4 Green .25 4 24 New experiment, .25% pre-selection 8-12 to test lower limits of 8-12 recovery.
5 Blue 10 2 34 New experiment. Using 10% (we would have chosen 2%, but we suspect there could be contamination in our sample) but with extremes of washing.
6 Pink 10 8 16 Repeat from last year's
7 Purple 50 4 24 repeating last year's experiment that did not actually have 50%