SynBioChicago/Weekly Meetings
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February 14, 2010
- Presentation by Nora on "Maintenance of chromosomes by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase"
- Presentation by Lucy and Annie on Sunday (Paper TBD)
- Presentation by Jules and Alex on Monday (Paper TBD)
- Meeting on Wednesday for event-planning
January 31, 2010
- Presentation followed by simulation viewing and discussion
- Presentation next week by Charles and Amy (Paper TBA)
- Updates on potential speakers
- Updates on potential spring field trips
- Next week's meeting should be at the same time, but may be pushed back a bit.
January 24, 2010
- Presentation of “Environmentally Controlled Invasion of Cancer” by Jules and Alex
- Send topics of interest to Nora
- Read paper for next week, Sunday
- Meeting Thursday at 8:00pm to discuss events
- Next presentation: Sean and Lucy--"A Synchronized Quorum of Genetic Clocks" (see papers page). If you guys find a paper you'd rather present feel free to email to Nora and she can post on the wiki.
January 17, 2009
- Next meeting Thursday 1/21/2010 in GCIS at 7:00pm
- Brainstorming project ideas
- Choosing areas of interest
- Mutation
- Poison sensor
- Poison sensor degradation – build on last year
- Synthetic plasma
- Diabetes
- Gene therapy
- Stem cells
- Repair (blood vessels)
- Cell signaling
- Directed motion
- Cloning
- Speed
- Biofuel
- Foetus
- Tumor development
- Histamine response (allergies)
- Radiation (detection & protection)
- Aging (telomeres)
- Electricity
- Look under ‘Papers’ for papers to be discussed
- For presentations, slide outline:
- Purpose/aims (1 slide)
- Background info (1-2 slides)
- Experimental (5-6 slides)
- Figures
- Major experiments
- Techniques
- Conclusions
- Thoughts
- Potential events this quarter
- Speakers
Professors on campus or near-by campuses Any topics
- Study break (end of quarter or next quarter)
November 15, 2009
- Presentation on “Foundations for Engineering Biology” - Annie and Charles
- Discussion on feasibility and risks
- Next week’s paper for discussion: “Extreme Genetic Engineering” (Bioethics)
- Presentation next week on projects from other teams at this year’s competition
- Keep your eyes open for future bio presentations to schools
- Next week’s meeting in GCIS 2:00pm, be there by 1:55pm
- Presenters: Amy and Nora
November 8, 2009
- Compilation of papers on synthetic biology on
- What do you want to learn about synthetic biology?
o Methodology o Past, present, future / practical applications
- Weekly presentations on synthetic biology beginning next week in GCIS
o First paper presentation: describes synthetic biology as we’re learning it right now o Keep a look out for the sign-up list for future presentations on the wiki o Become members
- Presentations on winning projects from this year’s competition
- Brief overview of competition
- Continuing school presentations
- Read paper for next week (Foundations for Engineering Biology), arrive 1:55pm at GCIS
- Presenters for next week: Charles and Annie