SynBERC:March 2008 retreat

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Sat Mar 1 - BioBricks @ UCSF

Security & Safety - a.m.

Technical & Legal Standards - p.m.

Sun Mar 2 - Retreat @ UCB (Stanley?)

sci-foo / research discussions

organizational/mgmt housekeeping (or not)

guest speaker (ideas?)

DINNER offsite with SAB/IAB

Mon Mar 3 - A day with SAB/IAB

Thrustbed presentations (dry run for tomorrow)

Discussions / SWOT?

Guest speaker here instead?

Light dinner and poster session with SLC & industry

Tue Mar 4 - A day with NSF

presentations all day

dinner at Faculty Club?

responses to SVT at night (thrustbed leaders)

Wed Mar 5 - Mop-up

Responses to NSF - a.m.

Organizational housekeeping here instead?

noon closure

Exec Cmte sticks around longer for action items