Stephanopoulos Lab Brother MFC-8840D

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Some specifics for connecting to our new Brother Multi-Function Center:

Fax: The number for the fax line is: 617-253-7181

Printer: 1. Download the driver information from the following website:

After selecting your operating system, download the "Add Printer Wizard Driver" File option (it is the third one under the Windows XP product list). Remember the location of this file on your hard drive since you will need to refer to it later.

2. Go to Start -> Printers and Faxes (keep this window open)

3. Locate the printer by going to Start -> Search -> Computers or People -> enter the IP address: You should see an entry for "binary_p1" drag this into the "Printers and Faxes" window. Complete the installation of the printer by indicated that you "Have Disk" and refer it to the location of the downloaded drivers.

This should enable you to print!

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