CASE Complex Systems Biology Center
Welcome to the Summer Seminar Wiki!
The purpose of this seminar is to understand concepts and mechanisms in the biology of cancer, and interpret them in a systems context. Presentations will be given once weekly, according to the schedule below. Major topics of discussion are derived from the chapters of Weinberg's new text The Biology of Cancer. More details can be found in the Syllabus.
Available presentation slides can be accessed by clicking the title of the presentation topic for that day.
Presentation Schedule
Other Articles/Materials
- Can a biologist fix a radio? by Yuri Lazebnik
Rules for Editing Wiki Presentation Summaries
1. To edit pages, you first need to go here and register with
2. Please do not delete any portions of the summary, only add comments.
3. Type your comments in the designated "comments area" below the summary text.
4. Tag your comments with the date/time and your name. This can be done rather simply by either entering four "~"s before your comment, or clicking the second button from the right at the top of the page edit window (the button looks like part of a signature).
How Do I Post My Presentation?
Those with owner priviledges on the newly created CaseCSB filer account (Dr. Sreenath, Radina, Jayant, Mike), have full permission to access/download as well as upload/change documents. Contact Mike Weis if you have trouble logging in.
Other participants in this seminar have only been granted read/download access to the course materials (presentations etc). To have a presentation (or other materials) posted to this site, please email it to and he will add it to the filing system, and create an appropriate link to it on this page.
How Do I Post My Presentation/Discussion Notes
If you served as the scribe, please type up a short set of notes on the presentation and discussion (per the syllabus). Email these notes to and he will upload them to the wiki.