Uploads by Pjones

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
06:47, 3 October 2006 Ols browse page.jpg (file) 20 KB The OLS browse page allows the user to navigate through the hierarchy of the ontology from the root terms. A term may then be selected and the full DAG (directed acyclic graph) depicting the position of the term in the ontology is presented.
06:45, 3 October 2006 Ols successful search.jpg (file) 20 KB Following a successful search, the user is presented with the details of the term from the ontology, including the definition, cross references and synonyms.
06:42, 3 October 2006 Ols home page.jpg (file) 19 KB This is the home page of [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ontology-lookup OLS]. This page makes use of [http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/AJAX AJAX] to create a rich user experience. On this page the user can search for terms by typing parts of the search term,
06:34, 3 October 2006 PRIDE spectrum viewer.jpg (file) 51 KB The PRIDE Spectrum Viewer makes use of Javascript to allow the user to zoom and manipulate the spectrum, including a simple ''de novo'' sequencing mechanism.
06:32, 3 October 2006 PRIDE Experiment comparison.jpg (file) 50 KB This view shows the Venn diagram feature of PRIDE, allowing the protein identifications in separate experiments to be compared.
06:22, 3 October 2006 PRIDEHomePage.jpg (file) 90 KB The PRIDE home page, focusing on the simple search facilities provided on this page.
06:12, 3 October 2006 DataModel.JPG (file) 56 KB A simplified view of the PRIDE data model.
06:05, 3 October 2006 BrowsePride.jpg (file) 107 KB The PRIDE Browse Page. This page allows the user to easily access experiments in PRIDE, searching by project name, species, tissue, disease and the presence or absence of spectra.