Sister wikis
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In addition to OpenWetWare, there are quite a number of wiki communities that focus on biology, chemistry, or other science topics. Here are a few of our sister wikis within these areas. Please add to this list as new wikis are created.
- BioWiki: BioWiki is a wiki farm for various computational biology projects. Maintained by the Holmes lab at UC Berkeley.
- Wikiomics: Wikiomics is a collection of questions and answers about bioinformatics. With your participation, it will become a central, modern and friendly forum for the worldwide bioinformatics community and all users of bioinformatics. It is now part of OpenWetWare.
-'s BioWiki is an effort to build a community for life sciences researchers which everyone can edit (no longer available. Former URL:
- BioWiki Forums(no longer available. Former URL:
- Wikispecies is meant to become an open, free directory of species
- Biocrawler
- Flu, Diseases, Infections Information
- QED wiki, formerly TigerWeb (has data analysis and calendar extensions)
- MicrobeWiki is a free wiki resource on microbes and microbiology, edited by students at Kenyon College
- - information about all aspects of the evolution of the genetic code
- Wikis in C2B2 (Advanced Biological Computing Systems Support) at Columbia University
- EcoliWiki - EcoliHub's subsystem for community annotation
- Proteins Wiki is intended as a community-moderated encyclopedia for proteins, with an emphasis on function and structure
- BioenergyWiki
- MetaBase is a user-contributed list of all the biological databases available on the internet. See also MetaBase.
- BioCC project promotes the sharing of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom among bioresearchers who are working in biology and bioinformatics
- WikiPathways is an open, public platform dedicated to the curation of biological pathways by and for the scientific community.
- PDBWiki - a community annotated knowledge base of biological molecular structures
- Gene Wiki is a project that facilitates transferring information on human genes to Wikipedia article stubs with the goal of promoting collaboration and expansion of the articles.
- Proteopedia - an interactive encyclopedia of three-dimensional structures of proteins, RNA, DNA and other molecules.
- Topsan - The Open Protein Structure Annotation Network: a wiki devoted to protein three-dimensional structures, including some not yet deposited in the PDB.
- WikiGenes - a specially designed wiki that tracks - and thus allows scientists to get credit for - every contribution that's made.
- SNPedia shares information about the effects of variations in your DNA, citing peer-reviewed scientific publications.
- BioMineWiki: A wiki about how to extract metals by the help from microbes in order gain metal and purify water. This wiki is cross-disciplinary and deals with biology, biotechnology, chemistry, hydrometallurgy, environmental questions and engineering.
- a wiki with a focus on chemistry. Launched Dec 15th 2007 (no longer online. former URL: [
- SyntheticPages: Similar to a wiki, "SyntheticPages is a freely available interactive database of synthetic chemistry. We publish practical and reliable organic, organometallic and inorganic chemical synthesis, reactions and procedures deposited by synthetic chemists. Synthetic methods on the site are updated continuously by chemists working in academic and industrial research laboratories."
- UsefulChem is an open source science project in chemistry led by the Bradley Laboratory at Drexel University (OpenWetWare page)
Electrical engineering
Circuitopedia: is a community effort to share knowledge and resources for analog/RF circuit design (no longer accessible. Formerly at [
- List of medical wikis from 2007
- Medpedia is the collaborative project to collect the best information about health, medicine and the body and make it freely available worldwide
- Qwiki: Qwiki is a quantum physics wiki devoted to the collective creation of technical content for practicing scientists. (no longer online. Former url: [ )
- NMR Wiki
- SklogWiki is a wiki for people interested in simple liquids, complex fluids, and soft condensed matter
- Wiki Sci is an attempt for researchers to organize research efforts in a task-oriented manner, facilitating much better idea exchange
- Scholarpedia - the free peer reviewed encyclopedia written by scholars from all around the world
- Wiki for Professionals are workspace for Semantic Web, enabling real-time knowledge exchange and exploration (developed by Knewco, Inc)
- Wikiproteins - A Wiki for Professionals on Proteins
- YourSciComWiki: (No longer online. Former url: )
- Science Online is an open-content resource where students can help answer the world's questions about science
- wikindex
- Academic Publishing Wiki is meant to give people with original ideas a means of obtaining peer review and constructive criticism, and also to publish these ideas in wiki format for the free use and benefit of others