Screencasts of Repeating McGurk Experiments

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Experiment 1:

This experiment tested the effect of coarticulation on McGurk perception. Data were gathered using Amazon Mechanical Turk. An example of the what the user viewed may be seen in the link below. There were two groups in this experiment. Each participant viewed a total of 6 different stimuli, as seen by clicking on the below image. Results showed a significant increase in McGurk perception with coarticulation.

Experiment 2:

This experiment tested the effect of repetition without coarticulation on McGurk perception. Data were gathered using Amazon Mechanical Turk. An example of the what the user viewed may be seen in the link below. Each participant viewed a total of 11 different stimuli (including congruent stimuli and McGurk stimuli at 1x, 2x, 3x, and 6x repetitions), as seen by clicking on the below image. There was no significant difference in McGurk perception at different repetition levels.

Experiment 3:

Experiment 3 tested whether pre-exposure to a speaker affected McGurk perception. Results showed that pre-exposure did not cause a significant change in perception of McGurk stimuli. A run-through of the experiment can be seen by clicking on the below image.