Schumer lab: Commonly used workflows
Please add more workflows and pipelines as you develop them!
Parsing Illumina data - Tn5 libraries
- Note: this content is also in dropbox in the guide called "parsing_tn5_data.txt"
Before you can use Tn5 data, it needs to be parsed by both i5 and i7 barcode. Check out this helpful document from Patrick Reilly for more background File:IlluminaParsing v1-2.pdf
i5 barcode parsing
First, parse by i5 barcode:
1) generate a file with the plate id and i5 name \t the i5 sequence (see i5_indices.tsv or i5_indices_1-24_revcomp.tsv in Dropbox). For example:
- Note: whether you need the forward or reverse complement i5 sequences depends on which Illumina sequencer you used - currently NextSeq and HiSeq 4000 need the reverse complement
2) Make sure to save this file as a windows formatted text file (or Tab delimited text)
3) copy the file to the server
4) convert the file to Unix text format
dos2unix [filename]
- Note: if you look at your file and see ^M characters, run the following as well:
mac2unix [filename]
i7 barcode generation
- Note: you need to follow these steps once for every plate
1) open "Tn5_i7s_convert_plate_to_barcodefile.xls" from Dropbox
2) paste your plate layout in the space indicated
3) copy columns A & B which are automatically generated and paste using into a new excel document by selecting:
Edit->paste special->Values
4) change the file format to "windows formatted text". Save the file name as Platename_i7_barcodes
- for example "COAC-V1_2018_CHAF-V-V1_2018_Tn5_data_July2018_i7_barcodes.txt"
5) spot check several cells spread throughout the document to ensure that the right sample name, i7 id, and i7 sequence have been matched up
6) copy the file to the server
7) convert the file to unix text format
dos2unix [filename]
parse by i5 and i7 barcodes
1) Submit a slurm job to run parsing by i5 barcode. The usage of this job is:
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ [# read files] [List of FASTQs IN QUOTES] [# cores to use] [i5 barcode file] [which position in FASTQ list is i5 index read]
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ 4 "TLMCI2015_COACVI2018-2017_CHAFV2018-2017_ACUAV2018_ACUAVI2015_S0_R1_alllanes_combined.fastq.gz TLMCI2015_COACVI2018-2017_CHAFV2018-2017_ACUAV2018_ACUAVI2015_S0_R2_alllanes_combined.fastq.gz TLMCI2015_COACVI2018-2017_CHAFV2018-2017_ACUAV2018_ACUAVI2015_S0_I1_alllanes_combined.fastq.gz TLMCI2015_COACVI2018-2017_CHAFV2018-2017_ACUAV2018_ACUAVI2015_S0_I2_alllanes_combined.fastq.gz" 10 i5_library_COACVI2018_CHAFV2018_ACUAV2018_ACUAVI2015 4 1
- Note: parsing by i5 is not necessary if you have only used a single i5 in the sequencing run, you can move directly to parsing by i7
- Note: make sure the number of cores in your slurm job matches the number requested in the command line. For example, for the above an appropriate slurm header would be:
#SBATCH --job-name=parse_i5
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=10
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=32000
2) After this job has finished, you can move on the parsing by i7 barcode. You will need to run one i7 job for *each* plate. For example, if the i5 barcode file had five lines, you will need to run five i7 parsing jobs.
If you look at the output of the i5 parsing you will notice that each parsed set generated three files, so in this next round of parsing you will have three files instead of four but otherwise the usage is the same:
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ [# read files] [List of FASTQs IN QUOTES] [# cores to use] [i7 barcode file] [which position in FASTQ list is i7 index read]
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ 3 "i5-3_ACUAV2018-CHAFI-II2018-ACUAVI2015_read_1.fastq.gz i5-3_ACUAV2018-CHAFI-II2018-ACUAVI2015_read_2.fastq.gz i5-3_ACUAV2018-CHAFI-II2018-ACUAVI2015_read_3.fastq.gz" 10 20180716_Tn5_library_ACUA_V_2018_CHAF_I_II_2018_ACUA_VI_2015_i7_barcodes.txt 3 1
Quick quality checks after parsing
1) Check the Part*logs files
- ensure that there are few reads in the control wells (<0.01% in a good library)
- check that coverage is relatively even among individuals (few individuals <0.3% or >2%)
2) Check duplication levels
- check duplication levels with picardtools for a few individuals per run
- acceptable levels are <20% (0.2 in picard output)
module load biology
module load bwa
bwa mem -t 3 -M xma_washu_4.4.2-jhp_0.1_combined-unplaced-mito.fa COACVI1801_i7-13_read_1.fastq.gz COACVI1801_i7-13_read_2.fastq.gz > COACVI1801.sam
java -jar /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/SortSam.jar INPUT=COACVI1801.sam OUTPUT=COACVI1801.sorted.bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate
java -jar /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/BuildBamIndex.jar INPUT=COACVI1801.sorted.bam
java -jar /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/MarkDuplicates.jar I=COACVI1801.sorted.bam O=COACVI1801.dedup.bam CREATE_INDEX=true VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT M=COACVI1801.metrics
Parsing Illumina data - Quail libraries or similar
Quail libraries are parsed in a similar way, but only have a single index so only need a single matching index file.
generate a file with the individual id and index
This files needs to have the individual id and i7/FC-1 name \t the i7/FC-1 sequence (see Quail_FC1_index_sequence.xls). For example:
parse by i7 index
Because these libraries are only parsed by i7 barcode, you can drop the second index read in the parsing
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ [# read files] [List of FASTQs IN QUOTES] [# cores to use] [i7 barcode file] [which position in FASTQ list is i7 index read]
For example:
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ 3 "Xcortezi_resequence_HUIC_sc_wt_November2018_S0_R1_allcombined.fastq.gz Xcortezi_resequence_HUIC_sc_wt_November2018_S0_R2_allcombined.fastq.gz Xcortezi_resequence_HUIC_sc_wt_November2018_S0_I1_allcombined.fastq.gz" 10 Xcortezi_spottedcaudal_November2018 3
Ancestry analysis with AncestryHMM
Local ancestry inference is one of the most common workflows in the lab. The steps we use to run local ancestry inference for birchmanni x malinche are outlined below and is also available in dropbox ("Shared_lab_resources/Common_commands_and_pipelines/Running_Ancestry_HMM_on_Sherlock.txt").
For first time use
1) Make a folder within your personal lab member folder to perform the analysis, e.g.:
mkdir Ancestry_HMM_runs
cd Ancestry_HMM_runs
2) link or copy the files you plan to use for analysis (genome assemblies and ancestry informative sites files). We keep up to date lab versions of these in shared_resources, e.g:
cp /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/shared_resources/ancestry_hmm/Base_ancestry_run_files_May2023/* ./
3) make a folder to link the raw reads files from OAK. For example:
mkdir reads_files
cd reads_files
ln -s /oak/stanford/groups/schumer/data/All_swordtail_low_coverage_Tn5_data/XcorXbir-F2-24-S255_XmalXbir-F2-23-24-S210_XmalXbir-OMCA-V-23_XxipXcou-F2-F3-VI-X-23_Tn5_FEB2024/XmalXbir-F2* ./
4) make a reads list file that has read1 for each individual in column 1 and read2 for each individual in column 2. If you data has the typical format from admera you can do this from your main analysis directory by running the following:
ls ./reads_files/*.R1.fastq.gz > read1_list
ls ./reads_files/*.R2.fastq.gz > read2_list
paste read1_list read2_list > combined_read_list
5) make a copy of the sample configuration file for your specific analysis
cp hmm_configuration_file.cfg hmm_configuration_file_runCHAF_samples2017.cfg
6) use a text editor or emacs to edit the parameters in this file (see parameter details in Dropbox guide, README, or at:
7) load required packages and modules:
module load armadillo
module load biology
module load samtools
module load bcftools
module load py-pysam/0.14.1_py27
module load bwa
module load boost
module load R
export PATH="/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/ngsutils/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Ancestry_HMM/src:$PATH"
export PYTHONPATH=/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin:$PYTHONPATH
8) make a batch script for submission, e.g.:
#SBATCH --job-name=run_hmm
#SBATCH --time=01:30:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=32000
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/ancestryinfer_July2022/ hmm_configuration_file_runCHAF_samples2017.cfg
you can also include the module/export commands in your slurm script after the #SBATCH lines
See example here:
9) submit your job, e.g.:
For subsequent use
1) edit your configuration files and job submit script as needed
2) export dependencies or make sure they are present in your slurm submission file
module load armadillo
module load biology
module load samtools
module load bcftools
module load py-pysam/0.14.1_py27
module load bwa
export PATH="/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/ngsutils/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Ancestry_HMM/src:$PATH"
export PYTHONPATH=/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin:$PYTHONPATH
3) submit your job, e.g.:
Simulating hybrid genomes with Simulate_hybrid_genomes
It's often useful to simulate admixed genomes to evaluate efficacy of ancestry calling under different scenarios.
1) For first time use:
module load perl
cpan Math::Random
Make sure the following programs are in your path:
They are all available in:
You can either export these each time you use them:
export PATH="/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin:$PATH"
or put this export command in your .bashrc file
make a directory for the analysis:
mkdir Simulate_hybrid_genomes_runs
cd Simulate_hybrid_genomes_runs
ln -s /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Simulate_hybrid_genomes/* ./
cp hybrid_simulation_configuration.cfg myrun_hybrid_simulation_configuration.cfg
2) After step 1 or for subsequent use:
Export dependencies:
export PATH="/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin:$PATH"
Edit the configuration file:
emacs myrun_hybrid_simulation_configuration.cfg
3) Run the simulation
perl myrun_hybrid_simulation_configuration.cfg
4) You can use these simulated reads as input into the Ancestry_HMM_pipeline
5) Afterwards you can summarize accuracy with the following script (part of the Simulate_hybrid_genomes GitHub):
perl ancestry-probs-par1_file ancestry-probs_par2_file path_to_simulation_reads_folder
Ancestry tsv files to admixture mapping input
1) After running AncestryHMM, convert your ancestry tsv files to hard calls using
perl ancestry-probs-par1_file ancestry-probs-par2_file genotypes_outputfile_name
1a) It's often a good idea to filter your tsv files to remove markers violating hardy-weingberg equilibrium. This script can be used to do that. This script is set up to run this filter before you convert to genotypes format:
perl ancestry-par1 ancestry-par2 bonferonni_pval_thresh
Writes a file named infile_deviating_markers with deviating markers from HWE, and filtered ancestry tsv files: ancestry-par1_HWE.tsv ancestry-par2_HWE.tsv
1b) Optionally filter your genotypes file with a script for filtering genotypes file of redundant columns. The number in the command line corresponds to the number of markers that can differ between adjacent columns for the column to be retained:
perl genotypes_file num_markers_differentiation
Writes an output file with genotypes_file.identicalfilter.txt
1c) Another option for filtering is to filter based on physical distance rather than redundancy. You may lose more information this way but it is unbiased with respect to errors. Be careful to chose a reasonable threshold based on admixture LD decay in the specific population you are looking at.
perl genotypes_file distance_thresh_bp
Writes an output file named genotypes_file_thinned_physical_dist.txt
2) Generate a hybrid index file for these individuals with mixture proportions for each individual
perl ancestry-probs-par1_file ancestry-probs-par2_file > hybrid_index_file
3) Match your previously generated phenotypes file with genotypes and hybrid indices for each individual
perl phenotypes_file_name genotypes_file hybrid_index_file
This will generate output files appended with _matched_to_genotypes _matched_to_phenotypes _matched_to_hybrid_index
4) Check file output carefully to make sure each has the appropriate number of lines and that individuals are listed in the same order in each file
5) By default the admixture mapping scripts test the likelihood of a model of phenotype~hybrid_index versus a model of phenotype~genotype_focal_site + hybrid_index. If you want to include more covariates (i.e. body size) you will need to modify the script.
For binomial traits (0/1) Rscript perform_glm_admixture_mapping_v2_binomialtrait.R genotypes_file hybrid_index_file phenotypes_file focal_column_number outfile_name_tag
For continuous traits that follow a gaussian distribution Rscript perform_glm_admixture_mapping_v2_gaussian.R genotypes_file hybrid_index_file phenotypes_file focal_column_number outfile_name_tag
The outfile name will be: genotypes_file_results_gaussian_v2_outfile_name_tag
6) To plot your results (as long as you used the X. birchmanni 10x genome), convert the file format:
perl genotypes_file_results_gaussian_v2_outfile_name_tag
7) Then you can make a nice Rplot of these results using the adapted_qqman.R script
in R, source the adapted_qqman.R script:
Load the data in R:
Reformat the data:
data_trim$P<- data$likelihood.diff
Plot the data, e.g.:
Ancestry tsv files to rQTL input
1) After running AncestryHMM, convert your ancestry tsv files to hard calls using
perl ancestry-probs-par1_file ancestry-probs-par2_file genotypes_outputfile_name
1a) It's often a good idea to filter your tsv files to remove markers violating hardy-weingberg equilibrium. This script can be used to do that. This script is set up to run this filter before you convert to genotypes format:
perl ancestry-par1 ancestry-par2 bonferonni_pval_thresh
Writes a file named infile_deviating_markers with deviating markers from HWE, and filtered ancestry tsv files: ancestry-par1_HWE.tsv ancestry-par2_HWE.tsv
2) Optionally filter your genotypes file with a script for filtering genotypes file of redundant columns. The number in the command line corresponds to the number of markers that can differ between adjacent columns for the column to be retained:
perl genotypes_file num_markers_differentiation
Writes an output file with genotypes_file.identicalfilter.txt'
2b) Another option for filtering is to filter based on physical distance rather than redundancy. You may lose more information this way but it is unbiased with respect to errors:
perl genotypes_file distance_thresh_bp
Writes an output file named genotypes_file_thinned_physical_dist.txt
3) Generate a hybrid index file for these individuals with mixture proportions for each individual
perl ancestry-probs-par1_file ancestry-probs-par2_file > hybrid_index_file
4) Match your previously generated phenotypes file with genotypes and hybrid indices for each individual
perl phenotypes_file_name genotypes_file hybrid_index_file
This will generate output files appended with _matched_to_genotypes _matched_to_phenotypes _matched_to_hybrid_index
5) Check file output carefully to make sure each has the appropriate number of lines and that individuals are listed in the same order in each file
6) Convert the genotypes to rQTL format
perl genotypes_file.identicalfilter.txt_matched_to_phenos phenotypes_file_phenos_second_column
writes an output file named: infile.rqtl.csv
7) Now you're ready to run rQTL! See rQTL documentation for details:
Use the following structure to read in this data format properly:
Ancestry tsv files to average ancestry in windows
1) Generate an file with average ancestry at every site that has greater than a user-defined threshold number of individuals and user-defined posterior probability cutoff (recommended >=0.9)
perl infilepar1 infilepar2 num_ind_thresh posterior_prob_thresh > outfile
1a) It's often a good idea to filter your tsv files to remove markers violating hardy-weingberg equilibrium. This script can be used to do that. This script is set up to run this filter before you convert to genotypes format:
perl ancestry-par1 ancestry-par2 bonferonni_pval_thresh
Writes a file named infile_deviating_markers with deviating markers from HWE, and filtered ancestry tsv files: ancestry-par1_HWE.tsv ancestry-par2_HWE.tsv
2) Summarize average ancestry in windows based on the intervals in a bed file:
Rscript average_ancestry_bybedintervals.R infile bins.bed chr_name
The script will write an output file called average_infile_ancestry_bins.bed
2a) If you want to summarize aver ancestry in windows for all chromosomes in the bed file:
Rscript average_ancestry_bybedintervals_wholeGenome.R infile bins.bed
The script will write an output file called average_infile_ancestry_bins_WG
Thin Ancestry tsv files by genetic distance
1) After running AncestryHMM, extract the marker names:
head -n 1 ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs.tsv > my_markers
transpose these markers and reformat:
perl my_markers
perl -pi -e 's/:/\t/g' my_markers_transposed
2) Thin the markers from the X. birchmanni 10x assembly to the desired genetic distance. It's a good idea to also impose a physical distance threshold because of inaccuracies in the recombination map at a fine scale:
Rscript calculate_genetic_distance_and_thin_adjacent_markers.R my_markers_transposed cMthresh physical_dist_thresh
This script will write an output file called infile_cMdistances_thinned_distancethresh
Note that there may be greater distance between markers if the region is marker poor, this will be recorded in the output file
3) Select these markers from your tsv file
cut -f 1,2 infile_cMdistances_thinned_distancethresh | perl -p -e 's/\t/:/g' > my_thinned_markers_reformat
perl my_thinned_markers_reformat ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs.tsv outfile_name_par1
perl my_thinned_markers_reformat ancestry-probs-par2_allchrs.tsv outfile_name_par2
Ancestry tsv to identifying ancestry transitions
1) After running AncestryHMM, convert your ancestry tsv files to hard calls using
perl ancestry-probs-par1_file ancestry-probs-par2_file genotypes_outputfile_name
2) Run intervals script:
Rscript identify_intervals_10x_genomes.R genotypes_outputfile_name
Writes output to: genotypes_outputfile_name_focal_chr, with one file for each chromosome
Ancestry tsv files to admixture LD decay
We often want to quantify the change in admixture LD over genetic or physical distance. This is important for dating hybrid populations, understanding what regions are independent from each other in hybrid populations, selection, and much more.
To quantify admixture LD, first convert genotypes files to plink input files. It's a good idea to thin the data first either by uniqueness or by physical or genetic distance.
1) Convert genotypes files to plink input files
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ genotypes_ACUA_2018.txt.identical_filter.txt
1a) You can filter your genotypes files to generate a less redundant input dataset. Either the or will work. I recommend thinning by physical distance for this application:
perl genotypes_file distance_thresh_bp
Writes an output file named genotypes_file_thinned_physical_dist.txt
perl genotypes_file num_markers_differentiation
Writes an output file with genotypes_file.identicalfilter.txt'
2a) You can filter your data with plink before quantifying LD. This command excludes AIMs that are missing in 50% or more of individuals and that are >98% one ancestry or another
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/plink --file genotypes_ACUA_2018.txt.identical_filter.txt --recode --tab --geno 0.5 --maf 0.02 --allow-extra-chr --out genotypes_ACUA_2018.txt.identical_filter.txt.trim
2b) Run plink to quantify admixture LD. The downstream scripts assume that you are outputting R2 and D so modify accordingly if needed
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/plink --file genotypes_ACUA_2018.txt.identical_filter.txt.trim --ld-window-kb 3000 --ld-window 20000 --r2 d --hardy --hwe 0.00001 --out ACUA --ld-window-r2 0 --allow-extra-chr
See plink documentation for details on these parameters
3a) Convert plink physical distance into genetic distance based on the X. birchmanni 10x genome (do not use this script for other genome assembly versions):
Rscript /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/convert_plink_LD_genetic_distance_xbir10x.R ACUA.ld ScyDAA6-2-HRSCAF-26
This will output a file called ACUA.ld_ScyDAA6-2-HRSCAF-26_cMdistances
3b) If you want a genome-wide picture combine files from multiple chromosomes. e.g.:
cat ACUA.ld_ScyDAA6-*_cMdistances | grep -v totalcM > ACUA.ld_allscaffolds_combined_cMdistances
Note that to use the downstream scripts you'll need to add back in the original header
4) To quantify admixture decay over genetic distance in bins of N cM:
Rscript /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/convert_cM_version_plink_admixture_decay.R ACUA.ld_allscaffolds_combined_cMdistances 0.2
Will produce a file called: ACUA.ld_allscaffolds_cMdistances_admixture_ld_decay_cMdist
5) Use the decay in admixture LD over genetic distance to estimate the time of initial admixture. Note that there are many assumptions that go into this estimate, including large population sizes, a single pulse of migration, etc, so interpret with caution:
Rscript /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/estimateage_plink_admixture_decay_v2.R ACUA.ld_allscaffolds_cMdistances_admixture_ld_decay_cMdist 0.1
The last argument here is for excluding distances smaller than mincM - here 0.1 - since the recombination map is not as reliable at small scales
This command will produce a pdf plotting the admixture decay named ACUA.ld_allscaffolds_cMdistances_admixture_ld_decay_cMdist_lddecay.pdf and will print the estimated mixture time and standard deviation to the screen
a is the coefficient of the model, b is the estimated admixture time, and c is the LD decay asymptote
Merging multiple ancestry tsv files run separately
- Warning!!! it is only appropriate to do this if the runs were performed with the exact same parameters in the cfg file
- It is always better to run all individuals through the HMM together if possible, but sometimes this is not practically for very large numbers of individuals
The example shown here merges three ancestry tsv files, but can be done for any number:
1) generate lists markers shared between all files
head -n 1 ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch1.tsv > marker_list_batch1
head -n 1 ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch2.tsv > marker_list_batch2
head -n 1 ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch3.tsv > marker_list_batch3
transpose files so there is one marker per line:
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ marker_list_batch1
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ marker_list_batch2
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ marker_list_batch3
this will output files named e.g. marker_list_batch1_transposed
2) make a list of marker files:
ls marker_list_batch*_transposed > all_markers_list
3) identify markers that are covered in all tsv files:
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ all_markers_list
this will write an output file with passing_markers_FILENAME, i.e. for this example: passing_markers_all_markers_list
4) select these markers from your tsv files:
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ passing_markers_all_markers_list ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch1.tsv /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch1_selectshared.tsv
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ passing_markers_all_markers_list ancestry-probs-par2_allchrs_batch1.tsv /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ ancestry-probs-par2_allchrs_batch1_selectshared.tsv
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ passing_markers_all_markers_list ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch2.tsv /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch2_selectshared.tsv
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ passing_markers_all_markers_list ancestry-probs-par2_allchrs_batch2.tsv /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ ancestry-probs-par2_allchrs_batch2_selectshared.tsv
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ passing_markers_all_markers_list ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch3.tsv /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch3_selectshared.tsv
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ passing_markers_all_markers_list ancestry-probs-par2_allchrs_batch3.tsv /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ ancestry-probs-par2_allchrs_batch3_selectshared.tsv
5) merge these outfiles:
- Warning!! carefully check all file names when doing this merging, it is easy to make mistakes such as swapping par1 and par2 files which will have serious consequences
We need to retain the header from one file of each the parent 1 and parent 2 files, so we will leave these two files unmodified:
For the other files we need to trim the header:
tail -n +2 ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch2_selectshared.tsv > ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch2_selectshared_noheader.tsv
tail -n +2 ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch2_selectshared.tsv > ancestry-probs-par2_allchrs_batch2_selectshared_noheader.tsv
tail -n +2 ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch3_selectshared.tsv > ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch3_selectshared_noheader.tsv
tail -n +2 ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch3_selectshared.tsv > ancestry-probs-par2_allchrs_batch3_selectshared_noheader.tsv
Combine all files for parent 1 and parent 2:
cat ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch1_selectshared.tsv ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch2_selectshared_noheader.tsv ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_batch3_selectshared_noheader.tsv > ancestry-probs-par1_allchrs_combinedindividuals_sharedmarkers.tsv
cat ancestry-probs-par2_allchrs_batch1_selectshared.tsv ancestry-probs-par2_allchrs_batch2_selectshared_noheader.tsv ancestry-probs-par2_allchrs_batch3_selectshared_noheader.tsv > ancestry-probs-par2_allchrs_combinedindividuals_sharedmarkers.tsv
Identifying minor parent deserts and islands
This workflow will identify regions of high or low minor parent ancestry in the genome for a population of interest.
First convert the ancestry-tsv files to average ancestry by site (XXX is the 4-etter code for the population):
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ ancestry-probs-par1.tsv ancestry-probs-par2.tsv 10 0.9 /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ > average_ancestry_by_site_XXX.txt
Then get the ancestry in 0.05cM windows (the 0.05cM windowed Xbir genome is here (/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/shared_resources/xbir_genome_windowed/):
Rscript /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/average_ancestry_bybedintervals_wholeGenome.R average_ancestry_by_site_XXX.txt ancestry_xbir_genome_0.05cM_windows.bed
Then you can run:
Rscript identifyDesertsIslands_bySite_2.5per_filter0.5cM_10SNPs_mergeShort_v2.R XXX
This script will look for the two files produced previously, average_ancestry_by_site_XXX and average_average_ancestry_by_site_XXX.txt_ancestry_xbir_genome_0.05cM_windows.bed_WG.
It will error out if these files are not in the directory you are running this script.
It produces raw desert and island files from just the site-wise data and final versions of these desert and island where regions where the 0.05cM window that contains the regions midpoint is also an ancestry outlier and where regions with <10 SNPs are removed (cMpass). Then regions < 50,000bps apart are merged (cMpass_shortMerged).
Mapping and variant calling with GATK
One of the most common workflows in the lab is moving from fastq.gz files to vcf files. This involves a large number of steps and can differ between programs used for mapping and variant calling. Below we outline the most commonly used steps in our lab and two shell scripts that can be used to run them in an automated way:
0) before you start, index your reference genome bwa index, gatk, and samtools. This only needs to be done the first time you run this analysis in a particular directory.
#load modules
module load biology
module load bwa
module load samtools
bwa index ref_genome.fa
java -jar /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/CreateSequenceDictionary.jar R=ref_genome.fa O=ref_genome.dict
samtools faidx ref_genome.fa
1) mapping reads to the reference genome:
module load biology
module load bwa
bwa mem -t 3 -M -R '@RG\tID:id\tSM:quail_libraryprep\tPL:illumina\tLB:lib1\tPU:illuminaHiSeq' ref_genome.fa read_1.fq.gz read_2.fq.gz > file.sam
2) process and sort sam file
java -jar /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/SortSam.jar INPUT=file.sam OUTPUT=file.sorted.bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate
java -jar /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/BuildBamIndex.jar INPUT=file.sorted.bam
3) mark read duplicates in the bam file
java -jar /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/MarkDuplicates.jar INPUT=file.sorted.bam OUTPUT=file.sorted.dedup.bam METRICS_FILE=file.sorted.metrics
java -jar /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/BuildBamIndex.jar INPUT=file.sorted.dedup.bam
4) re-align reads around indels
java -jar /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T RealignerTargetCreator -R ref_genome.fa -I file.sorted.dedup.bam -o file.sorted.dedup.bam.list
java -jar /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T IndelRealigner -R ref_genome.fa -I file.sorted.dedup.bam -targetIntervals file.sorted.dedup.bam.list -o file.sorted.dedup.realigned.bam
5) perform variant calling
java -jar /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T HaplotypeCaller -R ref_genome.fa -I file.sorted.dedup.realigned.bam --genotyping_mode DISCOVERY -L chromosome_targets.list -stand_emit_conf 10 -stand_call_conf 30 -ERC GVCF -o file.sorted.dedup.realigned.bam.rawvariants.g.vcf
java -jar /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T GenotypeGVCFs -R ref_genome.fa --variant file.sorted.dedup.realigned.bam.rawvariants.g.vcf --sample_ploidy 2 --max_alternate_alleles 4 --includeNonVariantSites --standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_calling 30 -o file.sorted.dedup.realigned.bam.g.vcf
We have two shell scripts that will run these steps for lists of reads.
The first runs the mapping, sorting, de-duplicates, and realigns indels:
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ list_of_fastq_files PE_or_SE slurm_submission_file path_to_picard_tools_and_gatk_jars genome_to_map_to file_name_tag
Example: perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ combined_read_list_coac_ld_map PE /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin xiphophorus_birchmanni_10x_12Sep2018_yDAA6.fasta xbir-10x
The reads file should be in the format: id1_read1.fq.gz\tid1_read2.fq.gz\n
The second shell script, which can be run after the first finishes, runs the actual variant calling steps (see Submitting slurm jobs for tips). It requires a list of sorted, realigned bam files and a chromosome targets list, among other parameters. This can include all chromosomes but splitting into several batches is helpful for running in parallel.
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ list_of_sorted_realigned_bam_files slurm_submission_file_to_use absolute_path_to_GATK_jars genome_assembly_used vcf_target_chromosome_list output_tag
Example: perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ xmac_mapped_bam_list /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/ xma_washu_4.4.2-jhp_0.1_combined-unplaced-mito.fa xmac_targets.group1.list group1
Filtering high coverage GATK variant calls
Occasionally, we sequence individuals at high coverage and want to produce a set of high confidence variant calls in vcf format. If you're reading this and are about to undertake this with GATK, I'm very sorry. This workflow follows Dodge et al. (2024), which was adapted from Schumer et al. (2018) workflow used to generate pseudofastas.
Basic approach: Use GATK best practices filters with some modifications, as well as bcftools to remove SNPs near indels, and also filter invariant sites. Then combine together and you have your vcf. One way this differs from pseudofasta workflow is that it does not use depth filter. Instead, only samples sequenced above 10x mean coverage were used.
Written TOD 30-IV-24
Step 1) selecting variants to filter separately
module load java biology gatk bwa samtools bcftools
gatk SelectVariants -R reference.fa -V file.g.vcf --select-type-to-include SNP --select-type-to-include INDEL -O file.SNP_INDEL.g.vcf
gatk SelectVariants -R reference.fa -V file.g.vcf --select-type-to-include NO_VARIATION -O file.INVARIANT.g.vcf
Step 2) filter SNPs
gatk VariantFiltration \
-V file.SNP_INDEL.g.vcf \
-filter "GQ < 20" --filter-name "GQ20" \
-filter "QD < 2.0" --filter-name "QD2" \ #same as best practices, this one can also be set at 10
-filter "QUAL < 30" --filter-name "QUAL30" \
-filter "SOR > 4.0" --filter-name "SOR4" \ #higher than best practices
-filter "FS > 60.0" --filter-name "FS60" \ #higher than best practices
-filter "MQ < 40.0" --filter-name "MQ40" \
-filter "MQRankSum < -12.5" --filter-name "MQRankSum-12.5" \
-filter "ReadPosRankSum < -8.0" --filter-name "ReadPosRankSum-8" \
-O file.SNP_INDEL.FILTER.g.vcf
bcftools filter -g 5 \
file.SNP_INDEL.FILTER.g.vcf \
-o file.SNP_INDEL.indelFILTER.g.vcf
gatk SelectVariants -R reference.fa -V file.SNP_INDEL.indelFILTER.g.vcf --select-type-to-include SNP --exclude-filtered TRUE -O file.SNP.FILTER.PASS.g.vcf
Step 3) filter INVARIANT
gatk VariantFiltration \
-V file.INVARIANT.g.vcf \
--genotype-filter-expression "RGQ < 20" --genotype-filter-name "RGQ20" \
grep -v RGQ20 file.INVARIANT.FILTER.g.vcf | awk '!/\.\/\.:[0-9]{1,3}:0/' > file.INVARIANT.FILTER2.g.vcf
gatk SelectVariants \
-R reference.fa \
-V file.INVARIANT.FILTER2.g.vcf \
--exclude-filtered TRUE \
Step 4) combine and filter by missing data (missing > 0.1), and fix bcftools formatting to make compatible again
gatk --java-options '-Xmx7g' MergeVcfs \
-I file.SNP.FILTER.PASS.g.vcf \
bcftools merge *file.SNP_INVARIANT.PASS.g.vcf | bcftools view -i 'F_MISSING<0.1' | sed 's/=nan\([;\t]\)/=NaN\1/g' | bgzip > samples.combined.SNP_INVARIANT.PASS.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf samples.combined.SNP_INVARIANT.PASS.vcf.gz
Using GATK variant calls to generate pseudofastas
0) Background on insnp files
insnp files are used to update basepairs in pseudoreferences in and have the following format:
chr-06 996 C N
chr-06 997 T N
chr-06 998 C N
chr-06 999 T N
chr-06 1000 A N
chr-06 2628 G A
chr-06 4199 G C
chr-06 5878 A N
chr-06 5879 A N
chr-06 5899 A G
The format specifies the chromosome and basepair to be updated, the reference allele basepair, and the basepair that will be substituted in the pseudofasta. This insnp file has two functions, it updates variant sites that are well-supported in the GATK vcf and it masks sites with quality issues (see below).
1) Use GATK variant calls to generate insnp files (see below for general usage).
We have a lab shell script to generate insnp files that does three things:
a) Identifies variant sites that fail quality filters with the following thresholds:
QD <= 10
FS <= 10
GQ/RGQ <= 20
DP <= 10
SOR >= 4
MQ <= 40
MQRankSum <= -12.5
ReadPosRankSum <= -8.0
These variant sites will be masked (i.e. listed as N in the insnp file), all other variant sites will be listed as the polymorphic or homozygous alternative allele in the insnp file.
b) Identifies invariant sites that fail the RGQ or depth filters and masks these sites (N in the insnp file)
c) Identifies additional sites that fail additional filters for the following reasons:
DP > 2X or <0.5X average genome-wide coverage
Basepair falls within a 5 bp window of an INDEL
To run the shell script that will generate insnp files, make a list of your vcf files of interest :
ls *xbir-pacbio-2023.g.vcf > my_vcf_files
and run the following command :
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ my_vcf_files /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/
This script will generate a separate output file for each vcf with the extension:
2) Use seqtk and the reference sequence you used to generate the GATK vcf to make a pseudoreference sequence:
seqtk mutfa myfasta.fasta myinsnp.fa > mypseudoref.fa
For example:
seqtk mutfa xiphophorus_birchmanni_10x_12Sep2018_yDAA6.fasta HUICXI17JM06wt_read_1_allcombined.fastq.gz_xbir-10x.sorted.dedup.realigned.bam.xbir-10x.g.vcf.cov-corrected.insnp > HUICXI17JM06wt_psuedoref_birchmanni_10x_12Sep2018_yDAA6.fasta
Case/Control GWAS from low coverage data
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are a common way to identify the genetic basis of polymorphisms that exist within a single (unstructured) population. For simple (ie binary) traits that can be classified as a "case" or as a "control" (eg spotted caudal vs wildtype), it is possible to identify SNPs associated with one trait or the other from low coverage data, given a large enough sample size.
Because there are multiple steps involved, the lab has a number of shell scripts that simplify the process:
1) Getting set up
1a) make a reads list for input in the next step. The format should be the entire path to the file (get this with the "pwd" command) and the file name. For PE reads, this will have two columns, one for read1 and one for read2. This file should be tab delimited:
tail -n 5 gwas_higher_coverage_indivs.txt
/path/to/file/COAC_98SC_J_combined_read_1.fastq.gz /path/to/file/COAC_98SC_J_combined_read_2.fastq.gz
/path/to/file/COAC_98wt_M_combined_read_1.fastq.gz /path/to/file/COAC_98wt_M_combined_read_2.fastq.gz
/path/to/file/COAC_99SC_J_combined_read_1.fastq.gz /path/to/file/COAC_99SC_J_combined_read_2.fastq.gz
/path/to/file/COAC_99wt_M_combined_read_1.fastq.gz /path/to/file/COAC_99wt_M_combined_read_2.fastq.gz
/path/to/file/COAC_9SC_J_combined_read_1.fastq.gz /path/to/file/COAC_9SC_J_combined_read_2.fastq.gz
generate a case control list which is simply a list of 0s and 1s, in the same order and corresponding to the reads list. For example, for the part of the reads list posted above, the case control list for a SC vs WT GWAS would be:
tail -n 5 case_control_status.txt
1b) the relevant scrips are all stored in /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ #optional: copy these to your working directory
1c) Load appropriate modules. This is a list of the one's you might need:
module load biology
module load bwa
module load samtools
module load bcftools
module load java
1d) If you haven't already done so, index your reference genome with bwa index, gatk, and samtools. This only needs to be done the first time you run this analysis in a particular directory.
bwa index ref_genome.fa
java -jar /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/CreateSequenceDictionary.jar R=ref_genome.fa O=ref_genome.dict
samtools faidx ref_genome.fa
2) generate sam file of reads mapped to reference genome (most data in lab is PE [paired end]). reformat sam file to bam file, sort file, remove duplicates, and realigns around indels:
usage: perl read_list genome SE_or_PE
example: perl gwas_higher_coverage_indivs.txt ref_genome.fasta PE
3) run samtools mpileup by scaffold (increases speed of run by parallelizing by scaffold). generates a .vcf file
usage: perl read_list case_control_status genome1 samtools_legacy_path focal_scaff
example: perl gwas_higher_coverage_indivs.txt case_control_status.txt ref_genome.fasta /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/ ScyDAA6-1508-HRSCAF-1794
4) reformats .vcf output for each chromosome into a more easily readable summary output
usage: perl mpileup_file_scaff.vcf low_dp_threshold > mpileup_file_scaff.vcf.summary
example: perl gwas_higher_coverage_indivs.txtindivs.allindiv.ScyDAA6-1508-HRSCAF-1794.vcf 30 > gwas_higher_coverage_indivs.txtindivs.allindiv.ScyDAA6-1508-HRSCAF-1794.vcf.summary
4a) check if files are the right size. sometimes step 4a doesn't work: ls -sh *summary
5) combine the summary file for each scaffold into single file containing all scaffolds. precise steps will depend based on analysis. gwas_higher_coverage_indivs.txtindivs.allindiv.allchroms.vcf.summary
As an example, here's what I did to combine all the individual summary files into one summary file + remove duplicate headers (-Gabe):
cat *.summary > [PREFIX].allindiv.allchroms.vcf.summary
awk '/group\tpos\tref_allele\talt_allele\tdepth\tAF-group1\tAF-group2\tLR1\tpchi/&&c++>0 {next} 1' [PREFIX].allindiv.allchroms.vcf.summary > [PREFIX].allindiv.allchroms.vcf.summary.dedupheaders
6) *optional step*: only keep known, high confidence SNPs
usage: perl file1 0 1 file2 0 1
example: perl COAC_population_confirmed_snps_Xbirchmanni_10X_genome_flipped_sorted.bed 0 1 gwas_higher_coverage_indivs.txtindivs.allindiv.allchroms.vcf.summary 0 1
7) convert scaffold names to chromosome numbers. there are currently perl scripts for the xbir_10x, xbir_pacbio, and xvar_scaff genomes. output is a file named *_formanhattan with numbers in column 1.
usage: perl summary_file
example: perl gwas_higher_coverage_indivs.txtindivs.allindiv.allchroms.vcf.summary
You are now ready to plot the output! The significance line will vary and can be determined using permutation, but for the X. birchmanni COAC population, it's in the ballpark of 6.5.
Pseudohaploid calls for GWAS or population structure analysis from low coverage data
It is useful for many analyses to generate 'pseudohaploid' calls, where a single read is selected at random at each covered site. To begin this process, generate bam files for the samples of interest, as described above.
Once you have bams you can use bcftools to generate vcf files that retain information at each allele. I recommend using the targets function if your goal is to evaluate the same SNPs in multiple samples so you can more easily combine those files.
(update GAP 20231108: I wrote a script that takes the output of the "Case/Control GWAS from low coverage data" as an input and outputs the same data in the format below)
0) generate targets file. The targets file can be generated by making a list that looks like this:
chr-01 20478 G,T
chr-01 20542 G,C
chr-01 20572 T,C
chr-01 21199 C,T
chr-01 21402 A,G
and then bgzipping and indexing it, for example by:
module load htslib
bgzip -c all_chrs_targets.tsv > all_chrs_targets.tsv.gz && tabix -s1 -b2 -e2 all_chrs_targets.tsv.gz
1) Next you can run bcftools on only those target SNPs. For example:
bcftools mpileup -f xbir-COAC-16-VIII-22-M_v2023.fa -T all_chrs_targets.tsv.gz my.unique.realigned.bam | bcftools call -mO z -i -T all_chrs_targets.tsv.gz -C alleles -i -o my.unique.realigned.vcf.gz
2) Now that we have a vcf we can generate pseudohaploid calls. First unzip the file:
gunzip my.unique.realigned.vcf.gz
Next run the pseudo haploid script to randomly sample alleles at covered sites (NAs will be given to sites that are not covered):
perl my.unique.realigned.vcf
This will generate an output file called my.unique.realigned.vcf.pseudohap.txt
3) If you are running multiple individuals, run all of these individuals and combine them (making sure the line numbers of the pseudohap.txt output files are the same - sometimes INDELs can cause issues).
This data frame can be used for PCA (be aware of effects of asymmetry in missing data) or to do a pseudohaploid GWAS.
Mapping Binary & Continuous Traits with PLINK
This workflow supposes that you have variant calls as generated in "Case/Control GWAS from low coverage data" that were converted to pseudohaploid calls using the workflow "Pseudohaploid calls for GWAS or population structure analysis from low coverage data". I'm going to present an updated method of doing this here, just to reflect exactly what I did when I was running this worflow. Also I think you could run most, if not all, of these steps on a sdev nodes (espsecially the PLINK steps, those go very quickly). I think the longest step here is the variant calling in step 1 which took a couple hours. -GAP
1) Instead of running: perl my.unique.realigned.vcf
Run this instead:
module load biology samtools bcftools
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ bam_list.txt fasta_file.fa chr_targets.tsv.gz
Where bam_list.txt is list of .bam files (and paths if necessary), fasta_file.fa is the reference genome (which should have relevant index files in the same directory), and chr_targets.tsv.gz is the compressed set of reformatted target SNPs.
This will generate *.pseudohaploid.txt files for each .bam file
2) check that the *.pseudohaploid.txt files have the same line counts as chr_targets.tsv.gz (each *.pseudohaploid.txt file should have the same number of lines)
3) If all that looks good, concatenate all the *pseudohap.txt files:
ls *pseudohap.txt > my_pseudohap_list
Then run the following script:
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ my_pseudohap_list
This should produce a file with a name like xmul_pseudohap_list_data_frame
4) Convert the combined pseudohap file to a .ped and .map files for PLINK. You will need your phenotype data for this step and it must be matched exactly to your combined pseudohap file in number and order. For binary traits, use 1/2 for case/control. For continuous traits, just include the value of whatever you're measuring. The workflow for both cases is the same until the actual GWAS step.
For this step, you will need your phenotype data in the following format:
TABQ-18-XI-22_Xmul_25_M.R1.fastq.pseudohap.txt_trim 1
TABQ-18-XI-22_Xmul_26_M.R1.fastq.pseudohap.txt_trim 1
TABQ-18-XI-22_Xmul_27_M.R1.fastq.pseudohap.txt_trim 1
TABQ-18-XI-22_Xmul_28_M.R1.fastq.pseudohap.txt_trim 2
TABQ-18-XI-22_Xmul_50_M.R1.fastq.pseudohap.txt_trim 2
TABQ-19-XI-22_Xmul_01_M.R1.fastq.pseudohap.txt_trim 1
TABQ-19-XI-22_Xmul_02_M.R1.fastq.pseudohap.txt_trim 1
TABQ-19-XI-22_Xmul_03_M.R1.fastq.pseudohap.txt_trim 1
Run the following script to generate the .map and .ped files:
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ my_pseudohap_list_data_frame.txt my_phenotypes.txt
At this point, you can run regular association tests with GWAS using PLINK (--assoc). However, to account for population structure, it is better to run a genomic PCA to identify potential principal components reflecting population structure that you can include in your GWAS as covariates.
5) Run a genomic PCA with PLINK to look for population structure. PLINK will use "my_pseudohap_list_data_frame.txt" as a base name for the other input and output files you need for PCA or GWAS or whatever other PLINK analysis you want to run. As long as you do everything in the same directory at this point, you'll be in good shape.
module load plink
plink --noweb --file my_pseudohap_list_data_frame.txt --pca --mind 0.75 --allow-extra-chr --allow-no-sex --out my_pseudohap_list_data_frame.txt
This will produce 2 files: my_pseudohap_list_data_frame.txt.eigenval and my_pseudohap_list_data_frame.txt.eigenvec. The former contains the eigenvalues for the PCA, while the later contains the actual PC values for each individual in your sample. At this point you should download both of these and plot them in R. Important: --mind 0.75 will filter out samples for missingness. Feel free to play with this parameter, but 0.75 has worked for me + seems to work for other swordtail species according to Molly.
Do the following separately in R:
For the eigenval file, you can calculate percent variance explained for each PC as PVE = eigenval/sum of all eigenvals * 100. Plotting the distribution of PVE for each PC can tell you PCs are driving the variance.
For the eigenvec file, treat this like a regular dataframe and plot PC1 on the x-axis and PC2 on the y-axis to get your PCA plot.
Once you have identified the PCs contributing the most to the overall variation, you can move on to running a GWAS with covariates.
6) Extract the first n PCs (in my case it was 3 but check your PVE distribution):
cat my_pseudohap_list_data_frame_.txt.eigenvec | perl -p -e 's/ +/\t/g' | cut -f 1-n | perl -p -e 's/\t/ /g' > my_pseudohap_list_data_frame_.txt.eigenvec.firstn
At this point, you should make a "keeplist" file of the number of individuals that didn't get filtered out during the PCA as well as their "fam IDs" that PLINK assigns them (PLINK output will tell you how many got filtered out). The reason for this is that if you try to use PCs as covariates with the full my_pseudohap_list_data_frame.txt, PLINK will throw an error because the number of samples in the keeplist and the dataframe are different. You can do that with the following command:
awk '{print $1"\t"$2"}' my_pseudohap_list_data_frame.txt.eigenvec.firstn > my_pca_keeplist.txt
7) Run GWAS with PLINK. The following command will run a regular association test without covariates (--assoc) as well as a logistic test with covariates (--logistic). If you are trying to map a continuous trait, swap --logistic for --linear.
plink --file my_pseudohap_list_data_frame.txt --assoc --allow-extra-chr --allow-no-sex --logistic hide-covar --keep my_pca_keeplist.txt --covar my_pseudohap_list_data_frame.txt.eigenvec.firstn --out my_pseudohap_GWAS_PC1-n_covariates
This will result in 2 files, my_pseudohap_GWAS_PC1-n_covariates.assoc and my_pseudohap_GWAS_PC1-n_covariates.assoc.logistic (or .qassoc if you did --linear). These can be downloaded and plotted in R at this point in Manhattan plots. (Pro tip: read these files in with read.csv("filename", sep="")).
g.vcf files to Admixtools input
Admixtools is a program developed by the Reich lab that can perform a large number of analyses [[1]], including calculating D-statistics for four populations.
The following is a workflow for converting from .g.vcf files generated by GATK to input for Admixtools.
1) for each .g.vcf file, generate an insnp file with masked and variant basepairs. See documentation of for hard-call filter options.
python /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/ file.g.vcf file.g.vcf.insnp 20 5 40 10 10 4 -12.5 -8.0 5
2) make a list of all insnp files you would like summarized for analysis using Admixtools, one on each line
3) using this file, run the following script:
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ insnp_list outfile_name_tag 1 5 500 /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts
where insnp_list is the list generated in step 2, 1 indicates that the reference individual should be printed [0 to omit], 5 indicates that a site will be excluded if more than 5 individuals have missing/masked basepairs, 500 indicates the physical distance over which to thin adjacent markers, and /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/ is the path to the dependency script:
This will generate three output files that can be used as input for Admixtools:
outfile_name_tag.geno outfile_name_tag.snp outfile_name_tag.ind
4) edit outfile_name_tag.ind to contain the species names of interest in the third column
5) Admixtools complains if the individual names are too long and if the chromosome names are not chr1, chr2, etc. This might need modification depending on the analysis being run. A quick fix is a perl regex find and replace:
perl -pi -e 's/group1/chr1/g' outfile_name_tag.snp
Batch script to generate insnp files
If you have a lot of g.vcf files to process, it's easier to use a batch script we have in the shared folder to submit all of the inns jobs.
1) make a list of the gvcf files you want to process, if they aren't in the same folder you are working in make sure to include the path
2) run the shell script
usage is: perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ vcf_list path_to_dependency_scripts
example: perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ COAC_vcf_list /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/
g.vcf files to ped input for use with PLINK
This follows steps 1-5 of the previous section g.vcf files to Admixtools input, then uses the convertf package from Admixtools to convert to ped format:
6) make a parameter file for convertf
cp /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/AdmixTools/convertf/par.EIGENSTRAT.PED parLDmapbir_eigen_to_ped
Use a text editor to edit the input parameters to match your file names (which are in eigenstrat format):
genotypename: example.eigenstratgeno
snpname: example.snp
indivname: example.ind
and specify the names of the output file for plink:
genotypeoutname: example.ped
snpoutname: example.pedsnp
indivoutname: example.pedind
7) Load the modules required for Admixtools and run the convertf program
module load openblas
module load gsl
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/AdmixTools/bin/convertf -p parLDmapbir_eigen_to_ped
D-statistic analysis with Admixtools
Once you have .geno, .snp, and .ind files, you can run D-statistic analysis with Admixtools
1) Generate a parameter file for Admixtools by copying the example file:
cp /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/AdmixTools/examples/parqpDstat parameter_file_forDstat
2) Edit the parameter file lines:
DIR: ../data/ #path to the directory where your files are, can be ./
SSS: allmap #if your files have a common prefix you can put it here
indivname: DIR/SSS.ind #the path and name of your .ind file, this string corresponds to a file ../data/allmap.ind
snpname: DIR/SSS.snp #the path and name of your snp file
genotypename: DIR/SSS.geno #the path and name of your geno file
poplistname: list_qpDstat #the list of populations you are looking at, one on each line
3) Load the required modules and run Admixtools:
module load openblas
module load gsl
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/AdmixTools/bin/qpDstat -p parameter_file_forDstat
F4 ratio tests from fasta files
We have a shell script to convert a list of fasta files to input compatible with admixtools. These scripts and example input files can be found in the folder:
This folder contains all the scripts needed to run F4 ratios in windows based on aligned fasta. The shell script to run these steps is:
Usage of this script is:
perl aligned_fastas.fa individual_file_for_convertf snp_window_size
See test.indiv for an example of the individual_file_for_convertf and test.fa for an example of the aligned_fastas.fa file
F4 Ratio test with Dsuite
Dtrios will take a joint .vcf file created from a list of .bam files for different species (including a .bam file for your outgroup) and calculate F4 statistics for each possible trio in the .bam list.
1) Prepare .bam list
Fairly straightforward, just create a file with a list of the filenames of your .bam files
example: ls *.bam > my_bamlist.txt
2a) Perform joint variant calling with your .bam list to generate a .vcf file using bcftools. If you need a .bcf file for some reason, you can always generate that and convert it to .vcf for Dsuite. You can also just directly go to .vcf by replacing -Ob to -Ov in the second half of the command (and also changing the outfile suffix to .vcf). Just to demonstrate how to convert though, this is how you go from .bcf to .vcf.
module load biology
module load bcftools
module load vcftools
module load gcc
Get .bcf
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f [reference_genome] -b [my_bamlist.txt] | bcftools call -mv -Ob -o [my_calls.bcf]
Convert to .vcf
bcftools convert [my_calls.bcf] -Ov -o [my_calls.vcf]
2b) Filter .vcf file
vcftools --maf 0.05 --max-maf 0.9 --vcf [my_calls.vcf] --remove-indels --recode --out [my_calls_noindels_maf_filter]
3) Prepare SETS.txt
This is another input file that matches filenames to species labels, with two tab-delimited columns containing the file prefix and the species. This needs to be done for every species in the list of .bam files. IMPORTANT: for the outgroup, the file prefix is the same as the rest of the species but the species label MUST be "Outgroup" (and make sure it is capitalized).
Here's what it looks like for these 3 example .bam files (X. continens, X. multilineatus, outgroup = X. variatus):
(brackets to make visualizing easier, don't include in actual SETS.txt file)
4) Run Dtrios with tree
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Dsuite/./Build/Dsuite Dtrios [my_calls_noindels_maf_filter.vcf] [SETS.txt] -t [newick_tree] -o [prefix_for_outfiles]
Tree should look something like this:
You'll get 5 output files, the *_BBAA.txt probably being the most relevant (has D and F4 statistics) and the *_tree.txt file for input into Fbranch. For more info you can check out the github[2].
1) Run Fbranch:
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Dsuite/./Build/Dsuite Fbranch [newick_tree] [Dtrios_output_tree] > f4_branch_results.txt
2) Plot the Fbranch results to see pairwise gene flow signals using For --outgroup, use the same species label as that used in the newick tree (not just "Outgroup" like in Dtrios).
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Dsuite/utils/ [f4_branch_results.txt] [newick_tree] --outgroup [outgroup_species_label]
g.vcf files to pseudo-fasta files
To do this, we first want to generate .insnp files with the following script. This takes a list of your g.vcf filenames (that are in the working directory) as input. You do not need to submit a separate job for this command since it uses a shared submission script (i.e. you can copy/paste/run this directly in the terminal). Note: be sure to use *.g.vcf files, not *.rawvariants.g.vcf files otherwise the pseudo-fasta won't be updated.
perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ [g_vcf_list] [path_to_insnp_and_coverage_scripts] [slurm_submission_script]
example: perl /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/ Xmul_g_vcf_list /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/
Now, we can generate the pseudo-fasta files using seqtk:
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/seqtk [seqtk_command] [reference_genome] [.insnp_file_from_previous_step] > [PREFIX].pseudoref.fasta
example: /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/seqtk mutfa xiphophorus_birchmanni_10x_12Sep2018_yDAA6_mito.fasta Xmul-03-III-22_CourterM-MixedMeso_Quail.R1.fastq.gz_xbir-10x.sorted.dedup.realigned.bam.xbir-10.g.vcf.cov-corrected.insnp > Xmultilineatus_03-III-22_CourterM-MixedMeso_Quail_pseudoref_10x_12Sep2018_yDAA6.fasta
The resulting file is the pseudo-fasta!
Mapping RNAseq data and transcript quantification
There are two options for mapping RNAseq data:
1) transcriptome-based mapping
2) mapping to a genome with an exon-aware mapper
Mapping to a transcriptome
For mapping to a transcriptome I recommend bwa or kallisto. Note that results from both programs will be dependent on the quality of the reference transcriptome.
For bwa:
1) format transcriptome
module load biology
module load bwa
module load samtools
bwa index transcriptome.fa
2) map to transcriptome
bwa mem transcriptome.fa read1.fq.gz read2.fq.gz > out.sam
3) convert to bam
samtools sort out.sam -o out.bam
For kallisto:
1) format transcriptome
module load kallisto
kallisto index -I my_name_tag my_transcriptome.fa
2) run kallisto for each individual. See kallisto documentation for parameter details, here is an example command line:
kallisto quant -I my_name_tag -o outfile_name --single -l 300 -s 50 --rf-stranded --bootstrap-samples=50 mysample.read1.fq.gz mysample.read2.fq.gz
3) output of kallisto should be analyzed with the sleuth bioconductor package
Mapping to a genome
For mapping to a genome with exon-awareness I recommend using STAR:
1) format reference genome
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/STAR/bin/Linux_x86_64_static/STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir ./ --genomeFastaFiles genome.fa --runThreadN 2 --sjdbGTFfile file.gtf --sjdbOverhang 99
2) Map reads
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/STAR/bin/Linux_x86_64_static/STAR --genomeDir ./ --readFilesIn reads1.fq.gz reads2.fq.gz --readFilesCommand zcat --outFileNamePrefix name_prefix --runThreadN 10 --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate
Transcript quantification
There are lots of options for expression quantification and testing for differential expression after you have generated bam files. Some recommended tools include:
Note: sleuth should be used with kallisto output
Statistical analysis with DESeq2
Whether you use an exon-aware mapper and reference genome or a pseudoaligner like kallisto, you will ultimately have some abundance measures that you would like to statistically analyze. We typically do this analysis using DESeq2 in R. The analysis below is for data aligned with kallisto
First install the following packages in R:
Allele specific expression from RNAseq data
Our lab pipeline for ASE is packaged into a parallelized pipeline: ncASE_pipeline
For first time use
For subsequent use
Genome assembly from PacBio HiFi data
Long-read sequencing has changed the game! Shortreads (e.g. illumina), which are generally 150bp PE, are cheap and useful for SNP calling. But they have substantial shortcomings in complex regions of the genome and assemblies based on this technology are fragmented and incomplete.
PacBio HiFi (highly accurate [>99% accuracy] long reads [~10-20kb]) is a leading technology for genome assembly. While such single molecule sequencing is generally error prone (especially homopolymer INDELs), PacBio HiFi achieves >99% accuracy by reading the same molecule multiple times and taking the consensus. Oxford Nanopore reads, by contrast, are less accurate (>96-98% with the latest technology) but can be substantially longer (100s of kb to a few kb). Each technology has pros and cons, and are complementary rather than interchangeable, but we focus here on PacBio data.
Sequencing companies may return the raw data, CCS data, or HiFi data in either bam (unaligned) or fastq format. HiFi reads (after a little processing) is the input for everything downstream. Raw data is massive and there is no real benefit to backing it up (after confirming the HiFi data are good).
Written by TOD, last update 30-IV-24
We generally use the hifi assembler hifiasm, which is the industry standard for highly accurate, contiguous, phased diploid assemblies. HiFiasm can also integrate, parental short-read, HiC and ONT data collected from the same individual as well to increase contiguity and phasing performance.
HiFiasm Paper: Cheng, H., Concepcion, G.T., Feng, X., Zhang, H., Li H. (2021) Haplotype-resolved de novo assembly using phased assembly graphs with hifiasm. Nat Methods, 18:170-175.
HiFiasm docs:
HiFiasm manual on sherlock: man /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/hifiasm/hifiasm.1
0a. Getting set up
make a new directory and cd. I like to call this directory my {assembly_prefix}-PacBioHiFi (eg xcor-PTHC-VII-22-M-PacBioHiFi)
mkdir ${new_dir}
mkdir raw q20 hifiasm_default nanoplot_filt_out
link your hifi reads bam and bam.pbi files in your raw folder
ln -s /oak/path/to/raw/data/*hifi_reads* raw/
0b. Remove CCS reads not meeting HiFi threshold Q>20 (not necessary for UW)
rationale: Hifi reads are defined as circular consensus (CCS) reads with mean read base accuracy > 99% (i.e. a quality score of >20). If the reads are called "hifi" then they should meet this threshold but companies are inconsistent about this. If some reads do not meet the Q20 threshold, you should filter the reads (e.g using bamtools) to just include HiFi reads.
programs: bamtools
resources: ~6-18 hours, 8 threads
input file: ccs.bam
output file: ccs.hifi.bam
ml biology bamtools
bamtools filter -in raw/ccs.bam -out raw/ccs.hifi.bam -tag "rq":">=0.99"
note: you can set different quality thresholds based on rq value. 0.99 is hifi and = q20 phred score. You can go more stringent but will lose read depth, so assembly might get worse. q25 is has been another threshold we've explored, but q20 is more standard.
1. Convert .bam to .fq.gz (you might have to remove adapters, see hifiadapter filt section)
rationale: assemblers take fastq files, but sequencing companies give back bam files (with a long prefix that doesn't really mean anything). thankfully, it's quite easy to convert bam to fastq.
programs: pbindex bam2fastq
location: local miniconda installation
resources: ~1 hours, 4 threads
input file: bam
output file: fastq.gz
pbindex raw/hifi.bam
bam2fastq raw/hifi.bam -o q20/hifi
2. Assess read quality (recommended)
rationale: It's a good idea to check how the sequencing went -- nanoplot calculates the important stats and visualizes the reads so you can check for irregularities. The main things to check are your read length and read quality (QV). If you didn't filter the bam by quality score, you should also check that the sequencing company sent you HiFi reads (CCS reads Q>20) and not CCS reads (CCS reads Q>0). Note: in the most recent update, fastq.gz read QV is no longer equivalent to bam RQ. HiFiasm requires HiFi reads but does not check that your reads are HiFi (not CCS).
programs: nanoplot
location: install locally on sherlock using pip or conda
NOTE: if program doesn't run try downgrading seaborn, see
conda install seaborn==0.10.1
conda install NanoPlot
resources: ~1.5 hours, 4 threads
input file: q20/hifi.fastq.gz
output file: {PREFIX}.fastq.gz.NanoPlot-report.html {PREFIX}.fastq.gz.NanoStats.txt
mkdir nanoplot_filt_out
NanoPlot --fastq hifi.fastq.gz -p PREFIX.hifi.fastq.gz. -t4 -o nanoplot_filt_out
Confirm all your reads are Q>20 and check read length (you'll likely have to report this later)
3. Genome assembly with HiFiasm
rationale: There are many genome assembly programs for HiFi data, but HiFiasm usually performs the best and is quite fast. The default parameters provide several .gfa files (like .fasta files, but are graphs with edges connecting sequences), which can easily be converted to .fa files. The typical HiFiasm consensus fasta for Xiphophorus is usually a little under chromosome-level, with contigs not spanning all satellite sequences. Playing around with different parameters might increase your contiguity, but default parameters seem to work best for Xiphophorus. Heng Li suggests increasing -D and --max-kocc increase assembly contiguity at the expense of run time. From testing, increasing -r and -k also tend to increase contiguity in reptiles, but sometimes these parameters in combination with -D and --max-kocc break contigs. These parameters don't seem to work in a predictable way in Xiphophorus, so default is probably the best bet.
Note: for ${ASM_PREFIX} it is usually best to name according to sample convention species-pop-(snumber)-date-sex.quality. This will help people (and you) keep track.
for example: ASM_PREFIX=xcor-PTHC-VII-22-M.q20
programs: hifiasm
location: /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/hifiasm/
resources: ~6 hours, 48 threads
input file: hifi.fastq.gz
output files: ${ASM_PREFIX}*gfa
NOTES: Depending on coverage and genome size, you might have to allocate more memory (for a 100x coverage Xnezzy, --mem=140GB worked). Also set ntasks to number of threads in your command (in this case, --ntasks=48). The job will get preempted repeatedly unless you set -p schumer. Swordtail genomes tend to assemble in 6-24 hours, although they might queue for 3-5 days.
export PATH=$PATH:/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/hifiasm
hifiasm -o hifiasm_default/${ASM_PREFIX}.asm -t 48 q20/hifi.fastq.gz
awk '/^S/{print ">"$2;print $3}' hifiasm_default/${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.bp.p_ctg.gfa > hifiasm_default/${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa #convert .gfa file to fasta
4. Visualizing output
Visualizing output: the program Bandage is a great way to visualize your phased diploid assembly (*p.utg.gfa). You can BLAST & visualize the results in Bandage as well. Bandage is a desktop application that can be downloaded here:
5. Scaffolding the contigs into chromosome models
rationale: In Xiphophorus, most chromosomes are still in 2-3 pieces (with breaks most common around centromeres or other satellite-rich regions. It's often useful to scaffold these contigs into chromosome-level models (with the breaks represented with N's). If Hi-C or Omni-C data exist, these can be used to scaffold the genomes using programs like YaHS. If not, RagTag is an easy way to scaffold to a reference genome. Note: hifiasm rarely (but sometimes) make false joins with contigs containing sequence from multiple chromosomes. These should be broken before putting contigs into ragtag.
programs: RagTag
location: installed locally
ml biology samtools python/3.9.0
pip3 install --user RagTag
resources: ~10 minutes, 8 threads
input files: Reference genome with only one chr-21 version (the more ancestral one) and contigs from last step ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa.
Note: It's best to use same species confirmed with HiC data. If this does not exist, best practice is to run RagTag 3 times, using 2 closely related species and an outgroup and then compare the differences between the output files. It is also best to not use species with highly derived chromosomal architecture (e.g. not birchmanni or maculatus). Hellerii and malinche are two good species to use.
for example, you can generate one for X. malinche like this:
make a file called chr-21.list
this file should have 2 lines, representing each sex chromosome:
cat <(seqkit grep -v -f chr-21.list xmal-CHIC-XI-20-M_v2023.2.fa) xmal-CHIC-XI-20-M_v2023.2_chr-21-Y.fa | seqkit sort -n -o xmal-CHIC-XI-20-M_v2023.2_chr-21-Yonly.fa
or one from X. multilineatus like this:
seqkit grep -p chr-21-Y -v xmul-TABQ-V-22-M_v2023.2.fa -o xmul-TABQ-V-22-M_v2023.2_chr-21-Xonly.fa
output file: ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa_RagTag.fa
samtools faidx $REF scaffold $REF $QUERY -t 4
Note: resulting scaffolded assemblies can be compared to each other using minimap2 and visualized with the pafr package. This is a good way to ensure there are no large scale chromosome rearrangements (i.e. that scaffolding is robust).
6. Representing both sex chromosomes in the assembly
rationale: In Xiphophorus, the sex determining region is usually on the distal end of chr-21 and can range from 2-12Mb of unique sequence that contains several important genes and differs between X and Y. hifiasm usually picks the longer haplotype to represent in the primary contigs, so the RagTag output will either have X or Y (usually Y) represented.
hifiasm also produces partially phased haplotypes (partially phased because haplotype switches can occur in regions with little heterozygosity or profound structural differences). Depending on the complexity/architecture of the sex chromosome, the entire region might be fully phased and present in the *p.utg.gfa. If not, it should certainly be present in the hap1 or hap2 .gfa files (although be warned these might have a switch error and result in chimeric XY chroms).
To represent both haplotypes, map the *p.utg.fa and *hap1*.fa *hap2*.fa back to the ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa_RagTag.fa using minimap2.
programs: minimap2
location: /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/minimap2
input file: ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa_RagTag.fa ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.hap1.p_ctg.fa ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.hap2.p_ctg.fa
output file: ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.hap1.p_ctg.fa_2_${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa_RagTag.fa.paf ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.hap2.p_ctg.fa_2_${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa_RagTag.fa.paf
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/minimap2 ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa_RagTag.fa ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.hap1.p_ctg.fa > ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.hap1.p_ctg.fa_2_${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa_RagTag.fa.paf
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/minimap2 ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa_RagTag.fa ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.hap2.p_ctg.fa > ${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.hap2.p_ctg.fa_2_${ASM_PREFIX}.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa_RagTag.fa.paf
Breakpoints can be identified from the paf file and the reference can be replaced with the haplotype (e.g. using seqkit or bedtools). X or Y can be identified based on homology to other species. These scaffolds should be named chr-21-Y and chr-21-Y.
For most Xiphophorus genomes, we include the X and Y but mask the recombining parts of the Y in the final assembly. The unmasked X and unmasked Y sequence should be also saved, since it is often useful to have them.
7. Misc.
When you're happy with the quality of the assembly, scaffolds can be renamed to remove the *RagTag suffix, eg using seqkit rename
1a. Removing adapter contamination (non-pacbio data, eg Cantata)
rationale: sequencing companies are supposed to remove adapter sequences before they send us the HiFi reads back in .bam format, but sometimes a small proportion of reads still contain adapter sequences. This affects assembly quality and sometimes leads NCBI to reject the genomes. The program HiFiAdapterFilt removes these reads from a .bam or fq.gz file and converts it to a .fq.gz, which is the format you'll need going forward.
Note: HiFiAdapterFilt is a bit finicky and not very smart. Program should be run exclusively on schumer nodes. HiFiAdapterFilt makes lots of intermediate files and if it gets preempted it will restart and try to filter the intermediate files, which leads to bad results. As written, the following code will run on every *bam and *fastq file in the directory, so set up your directory with only the hifi.bam file you created in the previous step.
programs: HiFiAdapterFilt
location: /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/HiFiAdapterFilt
resources: ~4 hours, 8-16 threads
input file: bam (or fq.gz)
output file: filt.fq.gz
ml biology bamtools ncbi-blast+
export PATH=$PATH:/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/HiFiAdapterFilt/
export PATH=$PATH:/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/HiFiAdapterFilt/DB
sh -t 8 -l 30
Variant calling from long-read data
Long-reads contain a wealth of information regarding variants, from SNPs to large SVs. These have shown promise in overcoming biases and shortcomings of short-read data and making much more of the genome available for study; however, the methods are often new, not all variant callers can call all variants, and the devil is in the details.
There are many new methods to call variants from long-read data, both PacBio and ONT. You can also call variants from reads mapped back to a reference genome, or from assemblies mapped to a reference genome. In general, SV callers perform worse than SNV callers. We've tried a couple different methods, not all of which are documented here. This page is a work in progress.
Written by TOD, last update 26-VIII-24
Mapping long reads to a reference genome
minimap2 is a fast, versatile aligner optimized for long-read data. It is installed in shared_bin/
for ONT data
minimap2 -ax map-ont -t 32 ${REF_GENOME} ${FASTQ} | samtools sort -@ 4 -m 4G > ${FASTQ}\_2_${REF_GENOME}_sorted.bam
samtools index -@ 4 ${FASTQ}\_2_${REF_GENOME}_sorted.bam
for PacBio data
minimap2 -ax map-hifi -t 32 ${REF_GENOME} ${FASTQ} | samtools sort -@ 4 -m 4G > ${FASTQ}\_2_${REF_GENOME}_sorted.bam
samtools index -@ 4 ${FASTQ}\_2_${REF_GENOME}_sorted.bam
Note: you will probably want to filter the bam file based on mapping quality. Q10 or Q20 seem to be common thresholds for long-read data, but this may depend on your specific project goals.
Calling SNVs from error prone reads (ONT data) mapped to a reference genome
Longshot is a fast single-nucleotide variant caller designed for error prone reads.
Longshot paper: Edge, P., Bansal, V. Longshot enables accurate variant calling in diploid genomes from single-molecule long read sequencing. Nat Commun 10, 4660 (2019).
Longshot github:
conda install longshot #installation should be run as part of a slurm job or may die without warning
echo ${BAM_PREFIX}
longshot --bam ${BAM} --ref ${REF_GENOME} --out ${BAM_PREFIX}.vcf
Calling SNVs from accurate reads (HiFi data) mapped to a reference genome
The lab doesn't have a standard workflow for this yet. DeepVariant and GATK seem to be what people use. Here's a DeepVariant command. GATK is a pain on the cluster.
conda create -y -n deepvariant_env
conda activate deepvariant_env
conda install -y samtools==1.10
ulimit -u 10000
singularity exec --bind /usr/lib/locale/ \
docker://google/deepvariant:${BIN_VERSION} \
/opt/deepvariant/bin/run_deepvariant \
--model_type PACBIO \
--ref ref/${REF_GENOME} \
--reads input/${BAM} \
--output_vcf ${BAM}.vcf.gz \
--num_shards $(nproc)
Calling SVs from accurate reads (HiFi data) mapped to a reference genome
The lab doesn't have a standard workflow for this yet. Sniffles2 seems to be what people use. Also check out SVision.
Calling SVs from assemblies mapped to a reference genome
The lab doesn't have a standard workflow for this yet. PAV, DipCall, and SVision seem to be what people use.
Genome assembly with supernova - 10x data
Below is a quick guide but check out Patrick Reilly's guide (also in box) File:SupernovaAssembly_v1.pdf
1) Make sure supernova is in your path, e.g.:
export PATH=/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/supernova-2.1.1:$PATH
It's a good idea to embed this in your supernova script
2) set up your slurm script for supernova
- supernova has high memory and time requirements
- recommended: at least 60 hours, 20 cpus, and high memory (~10G)
3) Example supernova commands:
supernova run --id Xbirchmanni_10X_ref --fastqs /home/data/Xbirchmanni_10Xchromium_Hudsonalpha_July2018_raw_data/ --description run1 --maxreads 280000000
- optimal number of reads targets 40-56X coverage
supernova mkoutput --asmdir=/home/data/Xbirchmanni_10Xchromium_Hudsonalpha_July2018_raw_data/Xbirchmanni_10X_ref/outs/assembly --outprefix=Xbirchmanni_10X_assembly --style=pseudohap
Motif and binding site predictions
1) Generate a position weight matrix for your zinc finger sequence at and save as a text file
2) Convert this output into a file format compatible with MEME
Rscript /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/motiflogo.R cat_prdm9_PWM_zfp.txt
3) Build a background model for the genome of interest
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/meme-5.0.2/src/fasta-get-markov -m 2 -dna GCF_000181335.3_Felis_catus_9.0_genomic.fna
4) Generate a MEME formatted position weight matrix
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/meme-5.0.2/scripts/uniprobe2meme -numseqs 1 -bg -pseudo 1 cat_prdm9_PWM_zfp.txt.PWM.txt >
5) Run FIMO on the genome and position weight matrix:
/home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/meme-5.0.2/src/fimo -bgfile -oc ./FIMO-results_cat_predictedPRDM9 -thresh 0.00001 --max-stored-scores 300000 -verbosity 5 GCF_000181335.3_Felis_catus_9.0_genomic.fna
Liftovers using cactus alignments
With the new PacBio genomes you may need to make new alignments.
If you are running liftovers using cactus alignments for the first time, make sure to make a local copy of Bernard's alignments:
cp /home/groups/schumer/data/cactus_alignments/xip_complete.hal ./
For example, to liftover between maculatus coordinates and birchmanni coordinates:
1) load required modules
ml gcc
2) run liftover:
/home/groups/schumer/tools/hal/bin/halLiftover xip_complete.hal mac_coords.bed birchmanii bir_liftover_coords.bed
Other useful basic commands with halTools
See basic stats including names of the aligned sequences:
/home/groups/schumer/tools/hal/bin/halStats xip_complete.hal
Pulls out genomes in fasta format, some contigs might be named with NCBI names:
/home/groups/schumer/tools/hal/bin/hal2fasta xip_complete.hal
Generate synteny blocks, useful for looking at genomic rearrangements:
/home/groups/schumer/tools/hal/bin/halSynteny xip_complete.hal
Demographic Inference with ABC
We can estimate hybridization timing, population size, ancestry proportion, and parental migration rates with Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) simulating a single swordtail chromosome with SLiM and fitting population specific parameters of average ancestry, variance in ancestry, and median minor parent tract length.
Simulations setup
To make csv of input parameters for 1 million simulations:
Rscript /oak/stanford/groups/schumer/data/ABC_simulation_trees/simParameterInput.R
Example to run a single SLiM simulation:
slim -d SEED=1 -d POPSIZE=2000 -d GEN=120 -d INIT_PROP=0.75 -d PAR1MIG=4.5e-06 -d PAR2MIG=0.002 /home/groups/schumer/shared_bin/Lab_shared_scripts/neutral_admixture_ABC_migration.slim
Post simulations population specific inference
To make demographic inferences you will need population specific parameters: mean hybrid index, coefficient of variation in hybrid index, median minor parent tract length. It's best to get these just from chromosome 2 since that is what's simulated with the SLiM script. Finally you will also need the number of individuals you used to get these parameters.
For each simulated tree for each population you can create a population specific simulated tsv matching the number of individuals used to get population parameters.
python3 /oak/stanford/groups/schumer/data/ABC_simulation_trees/ dem_abc_sim*seed*.trees *number_of_individuals_in_population* dem_abc_sim_mig*seed*.tsv
The output name can be change to whatever you want.
These tsvs can be summarized to get the simulation mean and coefficient of variation of ancestry and length of minor tracts. Rscript /oak/stanford/groups/schumer/data/ABC_simulation_trees/abc_summary_stats_chr_win.R *seed* dem_abc_sim_mig*seed*.tsv >> summary_params.txt
Once this has been done for a large set of simulations you can then determine which simulations fall within 5% of the empirical population values.
Demographic Inference with PSMC
plotting PSMC output
after running with -R flag on your primary and concatenated bootstrapped files, you should have 1 *txt file for the primary and 100 *txt files for the bootstraps
awk '{print $0, "\t", "species name","\t", "primary"}' primary_psmc.txt > species_nonbootstrap.txt #add 2 columns noting your species (or population) and if it was a bootstrap or not for i in `ls species_round1-100*txt`; do awk '{print $0, "\t", "species bootstrap", "\t", FILENAME}' $i; done > species_bootstrap.txt #for all your bootstrap files, add 2 columns noting your species (or population) + if it was a bootstrap and the name of your file. FILENAME is a variable that awk recognizes and can be left as is. cat species_nonbootstrap.txt species_bootstrap.txt > PSMC_R_plotting_file.txt #concatenate your modified psmc output files. now ready for plotting in R
in R
PSMC_data <- read.csv("PSMC_R_plotting_file.txt", header=FALSE, sep = "\t") ggplot() + geom_step(data=subset(PSMC_data, PSMC_data$V6==" species bootstrap "), aes(x=V1, y=V2*10, group=V7), color="#69b9cd", alpha=0.5) + geom_step(data=subset(PSMC_data, PSMC_data$V6==" species "), aes(x=V1, y=V2*10, group=V7), color="#092d44") + scale_x_log10( #set limits, breaks, labels however you please # limits=c(10000, 12000000), # breaks = c(10000,100000,1000000, 10000000), # labels = c("10000","100000","1000000", "10000000") ) + scale_y_continuous( # expand=c(0,0), limits = c(0,1250), breaks = c(seq(0,1250,250)) #set limits, breaks, labels however you please ) + theme_classic(base_size = 12) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 14), axis.title.y = element_text(size = 14), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12), axis.text = element_text(size = 12), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), legend.position = "none") + xlab("years in past") + ylab(expression(paste("N"[e], "*", 10^{3},sep=" "))) + #can change scaling so 10^4, 10^6 etc, just also modify the scaling factor in geom_step(). psmc plot automatically outputs 10^4 annotation_logticks(side = "b")