SAVE upcoming events (and other ways to get involved)

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International Day of Action on Global Warming

Join us in efforts to urge the US government to join the rest of the world in ratifying the Kyoto Protocol as a first step toward a commitment to change.

When: this Saturday, December 3rd 11 am- 12:30 pm (10am to help set up)

Where: The Cathedral Church of Saint Paul Sproat Hall 138 Tremont Street Boston, MA (Park St. T stop)

What: Join a diverse group of people who want to learn and take action at all levels – from the local to the international. Across the world, people will be participating in Days-of-Action to celebrate local climate initiatives – like Cape Wind – and to support the international Kyoto process happening in Montreal. There will be on-site opportunities for individual and collective action. This event is free of charge.

Guest Speakers:

-Mindy Lubber, President, Ceres

-Julian Agyeman, Professor and Environmental Justice Organizer, Tufts University

-Jason Mathers, Union of Concerned Scientists

-Sister Tess Browne

Next SAVE meeting

Tuesday December 6th, 7:30PM, in the 2nd Floor Lounge of the student center