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Thank you for visiting the RAVE wiki update instructions, for the current version, visit:
New RAVE update instructions
Click here for notes on editing the new website
Updating and Upgrading RAVE
Because RAVE runs on top of R and RStudio, it is important to update both of these before updating RAVE. For major updates (about every 6-12 months) it is necessary to completely reinstall: https://openwetware.org/wiki/RAVE:Install_prerequisites#2._R_and_R_Studio For minor updates, start RStudio, "Help"/"Check for Updates"; start R, "R"/"Check For R Updates").
If you have a RAVE version older than October 2022, you must first enter the following command into the R console (if you are not sure, it is OK to run it just in case).
lib_path <- Sys.getenv("RAVE_LIB_PATH", unset = Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER", unset = .libPaths()[[1]])) install.packages('ravemanager', repos = 'https://rave-ieeg.r-universe.dev', lib = lib_path)
Regardless of your current RAVE version, enter the following command into the R console
This prints out current RAVE package versions. If all the core packages are up-to-date, you will see the message "Everything is up to date", otherwise please follow the following steps. Quit all instance of "R" and "RStudio" before proceeding, or RAVE will not be able to update. Restart R and enter the following command into the R console
lib_path <- Sys.getenv("RAVE_LIB_PATH", unset = Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER", unset = .libPaths()[[1]])) loadNamespace("ravemanager", lib.loc = lib_path) ravemanager::update_rave()
Press "enter" if you are asked "yes/no/cancel".
After this command completes, quit and restart RStudio. Then restart the updated RAVE:
Notes: Be sure to quit ALL other running R and RStudio instances before running "ravemanager::update_rave()", otherwise packages will be locked and upgrade will fail. For other problems, the fallback is to completely reinstall RAVE.