Physics307L F09:People/Mondragon/Notebook/071114

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Excitation Levels of Neon

Vf = 2 V

Voltage Current (uA) Voltage Current
12.00 V .166 microA
12.25 .166
12.50 .173
12.75 .177
13.00 .182
13.25 .186
13.50 .190
13.25 .194
14.00 .197
14.25 .202
14.50 .204
14.75 .207
15.00 .210
15.25 .212
15.50 .214
15.75 .216
16.00 .217
16.25 .221
16.50 .221
16.75 .222
17.00 .220
17.25 .213
17.50 .116
17.75 .119
18.00 .385
18.25 .457
18.50 .561
18.75 .805
19.00 .911
19.25 .981
19.50 1.06
19.75 1.143
20.00 1.213
20.25 1.295
20.50 1.386
20.75 1.453
21.00 1.544
21.25 1.639
21.50 1.735
21.75 1.834
22.00 1.933
22.25 1.84
22.50 2.02
22.75 2.25
23.00 2.50
23.25 2.78
23.50 3.07
23.75 3.36
24.00 3.65
24.25 3.99
24.50 4.30
24.75 4.63
25.00 4.96
25.25 5.28
25.50 5.63
25.75 5.99
26.00 6.33
26.25 6.68
26.50 7.05
26.75 7.43
27.00 7.81
27.25 8.21
27.50 8.52
27.75 8.96
28.00 9.37
28.25 9.74
28.50 10.13
28.75 10.52
29.00 10.89
29.25 11.32
29.50 11.76
29.75 12.16
30.00 12.57


Data Comp

Tomas and i decided to retake the data that I previously took with Antonio and Brian because we thought the set up might be wrong. We were not able to get he curves that Dr Gold had on example so we still think there is something weird going on. From the data you could see that we shortened the data increments so we would not miss the excitation levels. Unfortunately we were not able to find the all the excitation levels, I dont know if we had to have even smaller increment or if we are analyzing the data wrong.. DAM