Physics307L F07:People/Mondragon/Notebook/071003

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Poisson statistics second week

We took data using one sweep through 256 channels with dwell times of 10ms, 20ms, 40ms, 80ms, 100ms, 200ms, 400ms, 800ms, 1s, and 10s.

data files

I will post the ascii files I got here for instructional purposes


Oct 03 2007     03:07:41 am     Elt: 000000 Seconds.  Real Time: 000000

ID: No spectrum identifier defined

Memory Size: 16384 Chls  Conversion Gain: 1024  Adc Offset: 0000 Chls

 Chn    Counts  ROI

   0,        0, 000

   1,        0, 000

   2,        0, 000

   3,        0, 000

   4,        0, 000

   5,        0, 000

   6,        0, 000

   7,        0, 000

   8,        0, 000

   9,        0, 000

  10,        0, 000

  11,        0, 000

  12,        0, 000

  13,        0, 000

  14,        0, 000

  15,        0, 000

  16,        0, 000

  17,        0, 000

  18,        0, 000

  19,        0, 000

  20,        0, 000

  21,        0, 000

  22,        0, 000

  23,        0, 000

  24,        0, 000

  25,        0, 000

  26,        0, 000

  27,        0, 000

  28,        0, 000

  29,        0, 000

  30,        0, 000

  31,        0, 000

  32,        0, 000

  33,        0, 000

  34,        0, 000

  35,        0, 000

  36,        0, 000

  37,        0, 000

  38,        0, 000

  39,        0, 000

  40,        0, 000

  41,        0, 000

  42,        0, 000

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  44,        0, 000

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other files

Octave script for analysis & plotting

SJK 01:21, 22 October 2007 (CDT)

01:21, 22 October 2007 (CDT)
I had never heard of Octave before, so found a description on wikipedia. Are you happy with it? Is it easy to use if you don't know matlab? In any case, thanks for posting your analysis code! I hope to have some time to check it out...

chop off the first ten lines of the data files before use On a Unix box you can use tail -n 256 filename >newfilename

rename variable and filenames as necessary. Probably only needs minor tweeks so that it can run in matlab.

#a sort of diary of commands to automate the data processing day to day
#some of octave's functions do not work in matlab,and vice 
#versa. Some functions may work, but not in the same way
#Most things work, though.

#Tomas Mondragon

load LAB3_D10.ASC;     #The load function is intended
load LAB3_D20.ASC;     #to read files saved by octave.
load LAB3_D40.ASC;     #Load can also read .mat files,
load LAB3_D80.ASC;     #but only versions saved by matlab
load LAB3_D100.ASC;    #version 4. It can also read text files.
load LAB3_D200.ASC;    #if no variable name info is in the file
load LAB3_D400.ASC;    #it names the variable after the file name
load LAB3_D800.ASC;
load LAB3_D1S.ASC;
load LAB3_D10S.ASC;

dwell10ms=LAB3_D10(:,2);     #load put what was on LAB3_D10.ASC into the 
dwell20ms=LAB3_D20(:,2);     #variable LAB3_D10. I only care about the second
dwell40ms=LAB3_D40(:,2);     #column of the data, so here I extract it to an
dwell80ms=LAB3_D80(:,2);     #appropriately named variable. 
dwell200ms=LAB3_D200(:,2);   #The first column of LAB3_D10 is the channel number
dwell400ms=LAB3_D400(:,2);   #but a more appropriate name would be the bin index.
dwell800ms=LAB3_D800(:,2);   #The second column is a count of how many events fell
dwell1s=LAB3_D1S(:,2);       #into the bin. The third column isn't important for this
dwell10s=LAB3_D10S(:,2);     #experiment, but knowing what it is will allow one to take 
                             #advantage PCA3's region of interest feature. It just marks
                             #where one has marked ROI's. for example, 4 indicates the bin or channel 
                             #lies within ROI 4

#idea:use max(dwell10s) as max bin for all so grapfh are same x scale

#[y,x]=hist(data,bincenters) is a a function that sets up bins whose values are centered 
#at the values given by the vector bincenter and counts the number of times the values in 
#data fall into each of the bins. y contains the frequncy counts and x contains the 
#corresponding bin index. bar(x,y) will plot the histogram of data. In general, x=bincenters,
#so one can shorten [y,x]=hist(data,bincenters) to y=hist(data,bincenters) and use 
#bar(bincenters,y) to plot the same thing.



#plots. press any key to move to next plot
title("frequency counts for dwell time=10ms")
xlabel("number of events occuring during dwell time")
ylabel("frequency count")
title("frequency counts for dwell time=20ms")
%xlabel("number of events occuring during dwell time")
%ylabel("frequency count")
title("frequency counts for dwell time=40ms")
%xlabel("number of events occuring during dwell time")
%ylabel("frequency count")
title("frequency counts for dwell time=80ms")
%xlabel("number of events occuring during dwell time")
%ylabel("frequency count")
title("frequency counts for dwell time=100ms")
%xlabel("number of events occuring during dwell time")
%ylabel("frequency count")
title("frequency counts for dwell time=200ms")
%xlabel("number of events occuring during dwell time")
%ylabel("frequency count")
title("frequency counts for dwell time=400ms")
%xlabel("number of events occuring during dwell time")
%ylabel("frequency count")
title("frequency counts for dwell time=800ms")
%xlabel("number of events occuring during dwell time")
%ylabel("frequency count")
title("frequency counts for dwell time=1s")
%xlabel("number of events occuring during dwell time")
%ylabel("frequency count")
title("frequency counts for dwell time=10s")
%xlabel("number of events occuring during dwell time")
%ylabel("frequency count")

Compilation of plots

The plot that the script above produced with the data I obtained are shown in sequence below. As the dwell time increases, the most often occurring event count increases and the frequency vs. event count plots drift from something resembling a poisson distibution of a rarely occuring event to a the poisson distribution of a more common event, which resembles a gaussian.SJK 01:40, 22 October 2007 (CDT)

01:40, 22 October 2007 (CDT)
These graphs are very snazzy, and your data certainly are great...however, it's a bit tough to look at the data, because I don't have a way to "play" and "pause" the animated GIF. So, making the individual images available will definitely be necessary in your formal writeup.

I should point out that something interesting happened while we we counting events with a dwell of 200 ms. Our equipment recorded one instance where 27 events happened in that small dwell time. The mode of the data for dwell time=200ms was 0 events, and were were rarely getting counts more than or equal to 5. I've kept this data point for fitting, since it is a very minor outlier, adnd won't trhough my data of by much.SJK 01:27, 22 October 2007 (CDT)

01:27, 22 October 2007 (CDT)
Very interesting! Bradley and Nik left the setup going from last Wednesday until today: 100 second bins, going like 5 days or something. I wonder if they will also record a similar occurance (though 27 events may not be obvious in a 100 second bin)?

By the way, you can easily calculate the probability of 27 events happening in a 200 ms window, given your Poisson fit. You can then use this probability to argue about throwing out that data point when fitting. (Also, you should directly state whether you throw the data out or not, and why.)

In Dr. Gold's lab manual, the poisson distribution is a model for the results of experiments that count random events that occur at a definite average rate and the frequency that one should expect to get a certain count number. If the expected average count is [math]\displaystyle{ \lambda }[/math], the probability that one will obtain the result of [math]\displaystyle{ k }[/math] after performing the counting experiment is

[math]\displaystyle{ f(k;\lambda)=\frac{\lambda^k e^{-\lambda}}{k!} }[/math]

So, to fit my data, I will have to normalize my data and find a suitable [math]\displaystyle{ \lambda }[/math] for each data set.

First off, normalize. If the frequency count of an event count [math]\displaystyle{ k }[/math] is [math]\displaystyle{ x_k }[/math], find some normalizing constant [math]\displaystyle{ N }[/math] so that [math]\displaystyle{ \sum_{k=\operatorname{min}\ k}^{\operatorname{max}\ k} \frac{x_k}{N}=1 }[/math]

Then, find [math]\displaystyle{ \lambda }[/math] such that[math]\displaystyle{ \sum_{k=\operatorname{min}\ k}^{\operatorname{max}\ k}\left(f(k,\lambda)-\frac{x_k}{N} \right)^2 }[/math] is a minimum

Duurrrrr... [math]\displaystyle{ N=256 }[/math] because 256 tests were performed each time.

SJK 01:38, 22 October 2007 (CDT)

01:38, 22 October 2007 (CDT)
It appears what you are doing here is a least squares fit of the Poisson distribution to the histogram, which is a great idea. However, I'd have to think some more, but I think maybe you would want a weighting factor in the denominator, perhaps [math]\displaystyle{ \sqrt{x_k} }[/math] (because the uncertainty in #counts is the sqrt(#counts)). Also, though, via talking with Bradley about this lab, I found that in the wikipedia article on Poisson distribution, they show that the maximum likelihood fit is when lambda is set to equal the average counts for the data. In your formal report, you should compare what you did with the much easier maximum likelihood method.

Through an iterative process, I determine [math]\displaystyle{ \lambda }[/math] to be 0.0261205 for dwell=10ms. Ack, I won't go any further, I'll just stop at 6 significant digits for the others too.

  • 10ms,0.0261205
  • 20ms,0.0736898
  • 40ms,0.185892
  • 80ms,0.457154
  • 100ms,0.468385
  • 200ms,0.937453
  • 400ms,2.58578
  • 800ms,5.74562
  • 1s,7.27233
  • 10s,73.9022

SJK 01:44, 22 October 2007 (CDT)

01:44, 22 October 2007 (CDT)
From my glimpses of the moving GIFs, the fits do look good. In addition to being able to look at the individual images, the fits would probably also be easier to see if they were not also bars, but instead were data points, or curves...

how good are these fits, since I decided to stop at 6 sig figs (quite arbitrarily). I suppose I shall quantify this by taking the average of how far off the actual data is from the fit.

I think the formula is [math]\displaystyle{ Error=\frac{\sqrt{\sum_{k=\operatorname{min}\ k}^{\operatorname{max}\ k}\left(f(k,\lambda)-\frac{x_k}{N} \right)^2}}{\sqrt{N}\sqrt{N-1}} }[/math]

  • 10ms, 0.0261205, 5.45905*10^-6
  • 20ms, 0.0736898, 1.19310*10^-4
  • 40ms, 0.185892, 3.28259*10^-4
  • 80ms, 0.457154, 5.95464*10^-4
  • 100ms, 0.468385, 3.15888*10^-4
  • 200ms, 0.937453, 5.23153*10^-4
  • 400ms, 2.58578, 5.22450*10^-4
  • 800ms, 5.74562, 2.97039*10^-4
  • 1s, 7.27233, 2.59775*10^-4
  • 10s, 73.9022, 2.96150*10^-4

The poisson distribution fits count data of random events that happen at a definite average rate. Therefore [math]\displaystyle{ \frac{\lambda}{dwell time}=some constant }[/math]

A plot of [math]\displaystyle{ \lambda }[/math] vs. dwell time should fit on a line. to do this, I use Dr. Gold's linefit matlab function, modified for use with Octave. ( is down at the moment, maybe provide link when it comes back up or upload modded program here?) SJK 01:38, 22 October 2007 (CDT)

01:38, 22 October 2007 (CDT)
Really cool way to analyze your data (checking lambda versus window width to be linear)!

intercept= -0.048099+/-0.000005
point error estimate=0.231612

So, with our equipment set up the way it was (sorry, no data on this, oops!) we were observing events that occured at an average rate of 7.39 events per second.