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Planck's constant

SJK 00:28, 19 November 2007 (CST)

00:28, 19 November 2007 (CST)
You still need more detail in your primary lab notebook. From this level of notes, it would be difficult to figure out what you did exactly.

Part A


Initial voltage- 9.490

Time for voltage to accumulate:


100% transmission - 1.09 s 1.78s

80%- 1.66 s 2.34s

60% - 2.65 s 2.30s

40% - 3.94 s 2.56s

20% - 4.72 5.81s


100% transmission - 3.22 s 3.19s

80% - 3.34s 4.11s

60% - 5.96s 8.72s

40% - 9.50s 12.28s

20% - 16.72s 18.4s

Part B

Yellow (w/ filter) - .723V .722V

Green (w/ green filter) - .856V .853V

Blue/Green - 1.501V 1.501V

Blue - 1.716V 1.713V

Blue/violet - 2.063V 2.064V

Experiment 2

We are both taking two sets of data for each order

First Order

Yellow (w/ filter) - .716 V, .723 V, .721 V .722 V

Green (w/ green filter) - .856 V, .854 V .853 V .854 V

Blue/Green - 1.502 V, 1.501 V 1.516 V 1.515 V

Blue - 1.71 V, 1.718 V 1.712 V 1.716 V

Blue/violet - 2.07 V, 2.069 V 2.071 V 2.071 V

Second Order

Yellow (w/ filter) - .773 V, .764 V .768 V .770 V

Green (w/ green filter) - 1.255 V, 1.268 V 1.260 V 1.263 V

Blue/Green - 1.557 V, 1.559 V 1.557 V 1.558 V

Blue - 1.734 V, 1.728 V 1.730 V 1.731 V

Blue/violet - 2.066 V, 2.061 V 2.064 V 2.062 V