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Erron C. Gleicher 15:50, 27 August 2007 (EDT)

Test Entry

  • First Item
  • Second Item

Erron C. Gleicher 16:00, 27 August 2007 (EDT)

Oscilloscope Lab Summary


  • Basic Waveform Measurement:

To begin with, my initial frequency is about 200hZ.

1)My amplitude is 5.0V * 3.2 div = 16Vsee comment

Steven J. Koch 00:30, 29 August 2007 (EDT):I like how you include the calculations here! That kind of strategy would help you in the future if you found some measurements were wrong and were trying to figure out why. The more you record, the better!

2)Cursor 1= 8.20V; Cursor 2=-8.20V

Vpk-pk= 8.20V - (-8.20V) = 16.4V

3)According to my O-scope the amp is 16.4V pk-pk.

  • Erron C. Gleicher 18:08, 27 August 2007 (EDT):This is an example of a note I added later

The o-scope chops off the top or bottom of waveform if DC offset is too high.see comment

Steven J. Koch 00:30, 29 August 2007 (EDT):Excellent! I'm glad you noticed!

  • Triggering:

A rising edge trigger means that the o-scope waits for a certain voltage on the rising edge of a waveform before it triggers a sweep.

  • AC Coupling

AC coupling is better for viewing ripple voltage because it subtracts the DC signal.

Fall Time of AC coupling: Square Wave - 57.08 mS (1)

             58.68 mS  (2)
             57.92 mS  (3)

What RC constant does this imply?

Rise Time [math]\displaystyle{ = 2.97 \times R \times C }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ R \times C = \frac{2.97}{rise time} = \frac{2.97}{57.08} = 52.03 \frac{1}{s} }[/math]

  • FFT

The cursor is reporting a frequency of 202.138 hZ in FFT mode. The function generator is at roughly 200 hZ.

My O-scope agrees well with the Fourier Series applet. The sine wave has one Delta while the sawtooth has succesive deltas that decrease to zero quickly and the square wave has succesive deltas that do not decrease to zero.see comment

Steven J. Koch 00:30, 29 August 2007 (EDT):I too found good agreement with the applet.