OpenWetWare:Username policy
We are considering a proposal to move all usernames to use a person's full real name. Usernames should be the same as the name you use to publish, e.g. "User:Foo Q. Bar, Jr."
Traditionally, researchers use their real, full name when giving talks, presenting posters or publishing papers. Thus, there is a strong precedent for "signing your work" in biology and biological engineering. OpenWetWare can be considered another venue for making research information available. Although OpenWetWare tends to provide a place for in progress work like protocols and status of research projects, it is still a medium for communication of research. Hence, to align OpenWetWare more closely with the norms of the research community, we are considering a proposal to encourage OpenWetWare users to use their real, full name (under which they publish) as their OpenWetWare username. This new policy may also help to ensure the uniqueness of all OWW accounts and email addresses and provide consistency in the username format. Under this implementation, login will be via your email address.
Currently, we are piloting the renaming of OpenWetWare user accounts on a trial basis. Details on volunteering for this trial are below. All new account requests are automatically given a username reflecting their full publication name.
We'd welcome your thoughts and comments on this proposal since this proposal is still under debate. Please check out the discussion on the talk page.
In particular, comments on whether this username policy should
- not be implemented all
- be on a volunteer basis
- be mandatory for new users
- be mandatory for all users
are especially needed.
- Special:Renameuser: moves existing users, reassigns all edits and also moves all user pages to the new name
- you need to have bureaucrat permissions to do this
- to change your username, please add your current username and desired new username to the list below.
Renaming users
Users can now be easily renamed. If you do not have access to any subwikis, add yourself to the list below and a bureaucrat can rename you using Special:Renameuser (for OWW only). To rename your username across all subwikis simultaneously, email Austin.
Note, if you are on wikilists, they should still work properly. However, it is probably a good idea anyway to update them to point at your new user page rather than a redirect page. You can use something like the following url to find the lists you are on<USERNAME>%7D%7D (replace <USERNAME> with your old username)
Users to be renamed
Korey Griffin -> Korey D Griffin
Rolando Cruz Perez -> Rolando Perez
HW -> Haydar Witwit
Spatel37 -> Sahil Patel
Juo-hsin, Chang -> Coco Lee
Diedrichsen Lab -> Sangeun Park
qchristensen -> Quin H. Christensen
Alin Tomoiaga -> Alan Tomiga
Yun Tao -> Davis Eco
despaux -> Leo dEspaux
Barrett Anderies -> Barrett J. Anderies
H. Choi -> Heejo Choi
Sophia M. Andren -> Sophia Michelle Andren
Daniel Goodman -> Daniel B. Goodman
Nathan Lachenmyer -> Nathan S Lachenmyer
Chmatson -> Christina H. Merrill
Leslie A. Vanos -> Leslie A. Coonrod
Morgan L. Paull -> Morgan Paull
Wei-Chun Hu -> Wei-Chun Hsu
Hossein Azari Soufiani -> Hossein Soufiani
Jpahara -> Justin Pahara
Shannon L. G,yrek -> Shannon L. Gmyrek
Demetrius Gravis -> Demetrius P. Gravis
Brandon Strulovitch -> Branwen B. Stroll
M Margaret Thomas -> Margaret Thomas
DavidMiguez -> David G. Miguez
Guillaume Vilain -> Guillaume Villain
Emma M. B. Weeding -> Emma B. Weeding
Robert Sidney Cox Iii -> Robert Sidney Cox
Shannon K. Alford -> Shannon K. Hughes
Vinh T. Le -> Winnie Le Underwood
Bmarkham -> Brett Markham
Already Renamed
- Jennyn -> Jenny T Nguyen (are we going for the period after middle initial? yes!)
- Lucks -> Julius B. Lucks
- Vincent -> Vincent Rouilly
- Jasonk -> Jason R. Kelly
- Rshetty -> Reshma P. Shetty
- Austin -> Austin J. Che
- Jkm -> Josh K. Michener
- Bcanton -> Barry Canton
- tmt -> Ty M. Thomson
- Meganmarsha -> Megan Marshall
- Nelas -> Bruno C. Vellutini
- Bdilkes => Brian P. Dilkes
- Ranta => Mattias Rantalainen
- Maccallum -> Robert M. MacCallum
- Pmalkus => Per Malkus
- johncumbers => John Cumbers
- satya => Satya N. V. Arjunan
- Hartigan => Marios F. Sardis
- CameronNeylon => Cameron Neylon (not very exciting change I know)
- Menolascina => Filippo Menolascina
- Ronmilo => Ron Milo
- Jasu => Jakob Suckale
- Seth => Seth Kasowitz
- StacyABerry -> Stacy A. Williams
- jjk105 => Jaroslaw J Karcz (user jjk105 DOES NOT exist)
- ajh20 => Austen J Heinz
- Lelyveld => Victor S. Lelyveld
- Huda Abdul-razzak => Huda Abdul-Razzak
- Stajich => Jason E. Stajich
- BillHooker 12:36, 20 April 2008 (EDT): => Bill Hooker (like Cameron below, I just want the space between my names)
- Inge M.V. Thijs => Inge M. Thijs
- Carlo B. Parapara, Phd => Carlo Parapara
- Albert Parsien -> Albert Parisien
- Noemie M Dorval C -> Noemie Manuelle Dorval Courchesne
- Ellis O.neill -> Ellis O'Neill ( may not deal well with apostrophe)
- Paulo De Oliveira -> Paulo de Oliveira
- Slepnir -> John M.L. Craven
- Jperfetto -> Josh Perfetto