OpenWetWare:Steering committee/Meeting - April 2008
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How to reignite the steering committee and get more people involved
- Weekly action hour, Thursdays at 12Noon
- Post notice on front page for each SC and action hour
- Recruitment drive to get more people participating in the discuss list (or the new discussion forum). Goal: Double the number of members on the discuss list by... August 31?
- Encourage personal connections between SC members and the community and between members of the community
- Pay close attention to people signing up as users, and to people doing a lot of editing. Reach out to them individually.
- Talk to SciLink; make a social network around OWW?
- Initiate a discussion on the forum or discuss list of what kinds of tools scientists need to be part of a social network
- come up with a user-friendly way of looking at OWW statistics
- Focus of OWW over the next 6 months should be the promotion of open science and use of lab notebook
- Some sort of viral publicity campaign centered around the new release of th Lab Notebook
- Set up a blog posting schedule for a minimum of one publicity-oriented post about LN or other OWW features each week
- Ricardo has contacts out in the blogosphere
Next month:
- Talk about chairs and how to group different members around different areas
- Each month, SC to come up with a samll, fun activity that can be picked up by a new member.
- Lorrie: better organization of action items
At the root of it, we want to show people that they can be an active part of a community, and that being part of the community has tangible rewards.