WikiTeX describes a modular system for incorporating LaTeX objects with MediaWiki output. WikiTeX was designed with expansibility in mind; and, security willing, can accommodate any conceivable package.
See also: sandbox, additional features, bugs, usability review, todo.
Invoking WikiTeX
Enriching your article with WikiTeX is as easy as wrapping your LaTeX in <class></class> tags; thus:
<music> \relative c' { e16-.->a(b gis)a-.->c(d b)c-.->e(f dis)e-.->a(b a) gis(b e)e,(gis b)b,(e gis)gis,(b e)e,(gis? b e) } </music>
<music> \relative c' { e16-.->a(b gis)a-.->c(d b)c-.->e(f dis)e-.->a(b a) gis(b e)e,(gis b)b,(e gis)gis,(b e)e,(gis? b e) } </music>
and <amsmath>\sideset{}{'}\sum_{n<k,\;\text{$n$ odd}} nE_n</amsmath>
, for instance, <amsmath>\sideset{}{'}\sum_{n<k,\;\text{$n$ odd}} nE_n</amsmath>.
You can practice WikiTeX in the sandbox; and following an image's link will reveal its source.
The following classes have been implemented:
Plenary AMS-LaTeX, including commutative diagrams (doc | template).
<amsmath> \label{e:barwq}\begin{split} H_c&=\frac{1}{2n} \sum^n_{l=0}(-1)^{l}(n-{l})^{p-2} \sum_{l _1+\dots+ l _p=l}\prod^p_{i=1} \binom{n_i}{l _i}\\ &\quad\cdot[(n-l )-(n_i-l _i)]^{n_i-l _i}\cdot \Bigl[(n-l )^2-\sum^p_{j=1}(n_i-l _i)^2\Bigr]. \end{split} </amsmath>
XyMTeX is an intuitive chemistry package by Shinsaku Fujita (doc | template).
[math]\ce{ \bzdrv{1==DDH;5==CH$_{3}$;4==OC$_{16}$H$_{33}$;% 2==\ryl(4==NH--SO$_{2}$){4==\bzdrh{1==(yl);2==OCH$_{2}$CH$_{2}$OCH$_{3}$;% 5==\ryl(2==NH--SO$_{2}$){4==\bzdrh{1==(yl);% 5==\ryl(2==SO$_{2}$--NH){4==\naphdrh{1==(yl);5==OH;% 8==\lyl(4==N=N){4==\bzdrh{4==(yl);1==NO$_{2}$;5==SO$_{2}$CH$_{3}$}}}}}}}}} }[/math]
Skak by Torben Hoffmann supports SAN and FEN notation (doc | doc | doc | template).
<chess> \whitename{Dubois} \blackname{Steinitz} \chessevent{London 1862} \ECO{C50} \chessopening{Giucco Pianissimo} \makegametitle |1 e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 d3 Nf6 Bg5?! [Nc3] d6 O-O?! h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 h5! Nxg5 h4! Nxf7 hxg3!! \toD{hxg3!!} Nxd8 [Nxh8 Qe7! \threat<Qh7> Nf7 Bxf2+ Rxf2 gxf2+ Kxf2 Ng4+ Kg3 Qf6 Qf3 Qg7\BBetter] Bg4 Qe1 Nd4 Nc3\onlymove [h3 Ne2+ Kh1 Rxh3+ gxh3 Bf3\#] Nf3+! gxf3 Bxf3 \toD{Bxf3} \resigns| \begin{figure}[h] \makediagrams \end{figure} </chess>
feynMF by Thorsten Ohl for Feynman diagrams (doc | template).
<feyn> \fmfpen{thick} \fmfleft{i1,i2} \fmflabel{$p^{\prime}$}{i1} \fmflabel{$p$}{i2} \fmfright{o1} \fmf{fermion,tension=1/3}{i1,v1} \fmf{plain}{v1,v2} \fmf{fermion,label=$p-k$,l.side=left}{v2,v3} \fmf{photon,right,tension=0,label=$k$}{v2,v3} \fmf{plain}{v3,i2} \fmf{photon}{v1,o1} </feyn>
sgf2dg by Daniel Bump and Reid Augustin for go games described in SGF (doc | template).
- Genan—Shuwa, 1842:
- W[nd];B[oe];W[pc];B[qe];W[qc];B[qi];W[de];B[cd];W[ce];B[bd]
- W[mf];B[of];W[gc];B[fc];W[gd];B[ee];W[do];B[cj];W[di];B[ci]
- W[dh];B[cm];W[fe];B[ef];W[ff];B[eg];W[fg];B[eh];W[fh];B[ei]
- W[dj];B[dk];W[ej];B[fi];W[dl];B[ek];W[fj];B[gi];W[dd];B[dc]
- W[ck];B[el];W[bk];B[ch])</go>
Graphviz by Lefty Koutsofios, et al.; for relational diagrams (doc | template).
rankdir=LR; node [shape = doublecircle]; LR_0 LR_3 LR_8; node [shape = circle]; LR_0 -> LR_2 [ label = "SS(B)" ]; LR_0 -> LR_1 [ label = "SS(S)" ]; LR_1 -> LR_3 [ label = "S($end)" ]; LR_2 -> LR_6 [ label = "SS(b)" ]; LR_2 -> LR_5 [ label = "SS(a)" ]; LR_2 -> LR_4 [ label = "S(A)" ]; LR_4 -> LR_8 [ label = "S(D)" ]; LR_5 -> LR_7 [ label = "S(a)" ]; LR_5 -> LR_5 [ label = "S(b)" ]; LR_6 -> LR_6 [ label = "S(b)" ]; LR_6 -> LR_5 [ label = "S(a)" ]; LR_7 -> LR_8 [ label = "S(b)" ]; LR_7 -> LR_5 [ label = "S(a)" ]; LR_8 -> LR_6 [ label = "S(b)" ]; LR_8 -> LR_5 [ label = "S(a)" ];
Ibycus by Pierre MacKay for polytonic Greek (doc | template).
<greek> Ei)s ('Hfaiston; \begin{verse} \quad ('Hfaiston kluto'mhtin a)ei'deo Mou=sa li'geia,\\ o(`s met' )Aqhnai'hs glaukw'pidos a)glaa` e)'rga\\ a)nqrw'pous e)di'dacen e)pi` xqono's, oi(` to` pa'ros per\\ a)'ntrois naieta'askon e)n ou)'resin h)u'+te qh=res.\\ nu=n de` di) ('Hfaiston klutote'xnhn e)'rga dae'ntes\\ r(hi+di'ws ai)w=na telesfo'ron ei)s e)niauto`n\\ eu)'khloi dia'gousin e)ni` sfete'roisi do'moisin.\\ \quad )All' i('lhq' ('Hfaiste; di'dou d' a)reth'n te kai` o)'lbon. \end{verse} </greek>
Lilypond with midi output (doc | template).
<music> \new Pianostaff
<< \new Staff { \time 2/2 \clef violin \key cis \minor \tempo 4=120 \relative c \context Staff << \new Voice { \voiceOne r4 cis8 dis e4 fis gis8 fis gis a gis fis e gis fis e fis gis fis e dis fis e dis e fis e d cis e d cis d e d cis b d cis b cis d cis b a cis b a b cis b a gis b a2 r cis2. } \new Voice { \voiceTwo e,8 gis a b cis dis bis cis dis4 r r2 r1 r1 r4 fis, b b b a8 gis a2 gis1~ gis8 gis fis eis fis2 gis2. } \new Voice { \voiceThree \stemDown s1 s s s s2. fis4 eis2 fis } >> } \new Staff { \clef bass \time 2/2 \key cis \minor \relative c' \context Staff << \new Voice { \voiceOne s1 r4 gis cis cis cis bis8 ais bis2 cis1 b2. s4 s1 b2 cis~ cis~ cis8 cis b a gis2. } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \stemUp cis,1 bis2 e dis1 \stemDown cis4 e a a a gis8 fis gis2~ \stemUp gis fis gis1 a2 fis~ fis8 fis e dis e4 } \new Voice { \voiceThree \stemDown cis4 b a2 gis4 r4 g2\rest e1\rest e1\rest e1\rest r4 cis' fis fis fis eis8 dis eis2 fis r r } >> } >> </music>
Gnuplot by Hans-Bernhard Broeker, et al.; for plotting two- and three-dimensional line, point, dot, box, histogram graphs or vector fields (doc | template).
<plot># original from TANAKA Masaki
- Institute of technology)
set pm3d at s solid set palette rgb 7,5,15 unset colorbox unset surface set ticslevel 0 set mapp cart set size square set view 45,30,1,1 set auto set isosamples 100,100 compl(a,b)=a*{1,0}+b*{0,1} mand(z,a,n) = n<=0 || abs(z)>2 ? 1:mand(z*z+a,a,n-1)+1 splot [-2:1][-1.5:1.5] mand({0,0},compl(x,y),50)
TengTeX by Ivan Derzhanski for Fëanorian Tengwar (doc | template).
<teng> \sindarin ash nazg duRbatuluuk, ash nazg gimbatul,
ash nazg thrakatuluuk, agh buRzumishi krimpatul </teng>
id est,
- “One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
- One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”
See also
WikiTeX was conceived by Peter Danenberg, where Tomasz Wegrzanowski's texvc provided impulse; which packages twain may yet coexist in a self installation.
Several security fixes have been submitted by Johannes Berg.